Park vs The City

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*Mentions of abuse, sexual abuse, assault, and rape. Strong topics are mentioned in this chapter.*

"May all rise."

Everyone in the courtroom rose to their feet. It was a serious case that Chanyeol was somehow able to put together.

He was a supposed to appear as a lawyer, as Baekhyun was to appear as his client.

"This is Park vs The City. A case to rule custody over Kang Yeosang. You may all sit."

Everyone sat in their seats quietly.

Baekhyun wants to laugh because he couldn't take the scenery seriously. Chanyeol had on a wig, fake mustache, glasses, and a unlit cigar in his mouth.

"You overdid it." Baekhyun said in a small whisper.

"May the defendant team, Jessica Kang and plaintiff team, Park Byun Baekhyun stay standing." The judge announced.

Chanyeol shrugged in response before standing up with Baekhyun by his side.

"You have a case against Jessica Kang, accusing her of Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Sexual Abuse, Assault, Threats, and Child Endangerment."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol both nodded. Jessica stood by her lawyer with a shocked look on her face.

"I would never do such things!" She said with her eyes blown open. Her lawyer sat down in defeat, knowing that he would lose this case.

"Shush Ms. Kang" The judge said sternly. She already looked annoyed with Jessica.

"Mr. Kang is not present due to a incident that happened yesterday. It's unfortunate that he got a DUI the day before a important trial." The judge said with a sarcastic smile.

Jessica bit her tongue to stop any rash words from coming out.

"You issued a missing persons file a few days prior from today. You don't know about Yeosang's whereabouts right?" The judge asked with her eyebrows quirked.

"Yes mam." Jessica responded.

"Then why does Mr. Park have papers saying that you signed him half custody over Yeosang? It shows that your brother has partial custody over ohim ."

Jessica looked confused as she watched Baekhyun's lawyer hand the judge a file.

"When?" She asked as she glared at a smirking Baekhyun.

"Well, it says that you signed these papers over to him two months ago. Mr. Park says that he hasn't had custody over his nephew since then, until a few days ago, the day you filed a missing persons report.

She looked shocked as the judge read the papers out loud. She also had pictures of something.

"The court examined the papers earlier. Your fingerprints and signatures are all over the papers. Along with Yeosang's fingerprints. We were able to match them with his fingerprint records from his previously attended school." The kind judge said as she looked at a stunned Jessica.

"Impossible." She stated.

"Mr. Park, What is your purpose for being here?" The judge asked.

"Well, my nephew has been caged in her home for quite some time. Abuse is evident as you can see. I was able to take pictures of his back the night he came to my house. Scars that are fresh and old are apparent, along with nasty bruises and open wounds." Baekhyun said with a sharp pain hitting his heart.

Just thinking of the sight made him want to cry.

The judge nodded a bit.

"My client wants full custody over Yeosang, along with Ms. Kang and Mr. Kang paying for their crimes." Chanyeol said.

Jessica looked confused.

"My husband and I aren't even really married. Shouldn't he pay for the crimes?" Jessica asked.

"Fuc- I mean definitely not." Baekhyun said angrily.

"You're just mad you damned Widow." Jessica spat.

To the criminal and public world, Baekhyun was a widow. Everyone thought that Chanyeol died in a unfortunate car crash.

When ironically, the giant was actually standing next to Baekhyun in a disguise.

"Enough! Why do you accuse Jessica and her husband of Sexual abuse, Neglect, and Child Endangerment?" The judge asked.

"Yeosang didn't want to fully explain what happened, but he was sexually assaulted whenever Jessica and her Husband had company over. There would be people there who got recklessly drunk. The rest shouldn't have to be explained." Baekhyun hissed.

The judge shook her head as she looked at Jessica.

"Is that true?"

Jessica couldn't help but to nod. She felt shameful at that very moment.

"Hm, in that case, the court has been ruled."

Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at each other excitedly.

"Park Byun Baekhyun has full custody over Yeosang. Jessica Kang and her husband will both sentenced to 25 to 30 years in prison, without parole, both paying a 25,000 dollar fine, individually. Ms. Kang's daughter will be in the custody of the city. Case dismissed."

Baekhyun buried himself into Chanyeol's chest. He smiled brightly as tears streamed down his cheeks.

It was official that Yeosang couldn't go back home, even if police said so.

"You will pay for this Baekhyun." Jessica said bitterly as she was handcuffed.

Chanyeol stuck out his tongue playfully before giving her the finger.

"In your dreams you....Chicken!" Chanyeol said. That was the best insult he could give.

Baekhyun giggled a bit as Chanyeol hugged him.

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