Sowing Faith, Reaping Love - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The final mustard seeds had been placed in the ground earlier that day. Julie was exhausted. But, she had not been spending time with Jasmine, except for when she was working. She just wanted to ride. She decided that after dinner and when her chores were done, she would do just that!

As she was riding through the pasture, Julie felt so happy and at peace. So much of the last month had been up in the air, but now with Tanner staying. Everything felt right. She could tell that Jasmine wanted to break free and just run, and she wanted to do that too. So, she eased the reigns and lowered her body, tightening her legs in the saddle. The wind was whipping through her hair and she felt exhilarated.

Julie made her way to the pond. She was tired, sweaty and had never felt better in her life. She walked Jasmine to the water's edge to drink and saw Tanner leaning up next to the tree smiling. She tied Jasmine up on the low oak branch and walked to sit next to him.

"I thought I would find you here." Tanner said with a smile. They had not been alone since Charlie announced that morning that Tanner could stay. Tanner knew he wanted to progress their relationship, but he was also nervous about this because: he had never been in a relationship before; he knew Julie had never been in one before; and most importantly, he was afraid anything more could hurt their friendship.

"Yeah, I just had to get out and ride to clear my head." Julie said as she played with a tall blade of grass she had just pulled from the ground.

"And were you able to clear everything? Or do you want me to leave?" Tanner said and he moved to stand up. Julie put her hand on his leg motioning for him to stay. So he settled back down.

"Yeah. Just thinking a lot."

"Anything you want to talk about?" Tanner smiled. They had shared so many secrets and thoughts over the summer. They really had no secrets. Julie knew all about his parents and his past. He knew about her mother's death and how that shook her family to the core.

Julie just smiled. After a minute, she was still playing with the blade of grass, not making eye contact with Tanner. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I think we are both thinking the same things."

"Really?" Julie could tell there was a little excitement in Tanner's voice, but he was trying to hide it. "Do you think..." Tanner swallowed. Julie could tell he was nervous. She was nervous too. "that maybe..." Tanner swallowed again. Julie wanted to giggle, but she didn't. She could not stop the small grin on her face, but she was still looking down so Tanner did not see it. In a nervous rushed way he asked, "That maybe, will you go out with me on Friday?"

"Yes," Julie said as her heart fluttered. She was sure Tanner could hear it beating. "I would love to." Tanner breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can I ask you something else?" Tanner asked. Now he was picking grass and playing with the blades. He pulled one to his mouth and held it tight between his thumbs and blew. It whistled a little.


"Are you OK that I am staying here? I mean for school and everything?"

"Yes." Julie said. "And I told Dad that too when he talked to me a couple of days ago. I wasn't sure what he decided until he told you this morning. And he asked me not to tell you he was thinking about it. So, I couldn't tell you and it was killing me!" Julie looked over at him with a grin on her face. "Are you OK with it? I mean, you will have to put up with me a lot not just here, but at school too."

"Actually, it's what I have been praying for. I mean, it seemed selfish to pray for it, but every night it was my last thought before I fell asleep, that I wish I could stay here."

"Well, it looks like both our prayers were answered." Julie said and smiled shyly at him. Julie looked around, "Did you ride Lady? Because I did not see her."

"No. I decided to walk." Tanner said reaching over and tucking a loose strand of Julie's hair behind her ear. "Too bad."


"Because, I can't race you back." Julie said with a grin.

"Well, you could, but I think the horse would beat me." Tanner said with a smile. "Or you can walk back with me." Tanner stood up and offered his hands to Julie and pulled her up and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Yeah, we can do that." Julie said.

Julie went and untied Jasmine and they headed back towards the well worn path through the pasture, by the fields and to the barn. All the way home, they talked. Talked about school that was starting the next week. Talked about the farm, the crops, the animals, the family that meant so much to them both. The one thing they did not talk about was plans for Friday night.

By the time they made it back to the barn the sun was down and darkness was filling the sky. Julie led Jasmine into her stall and Tanner helped her put the saddle and stirrups away. She was brushing down Jasmine when she saw Tanner pick up another brush and start on the other side.

"Do you remember my first day here?"


"I helped you brush down the horses. Looking across the horse, I knew there was something about you, something that made me want to get to know you." Julie looked over at Tanner and smiled. "And no matter what happens... no matter what the future holds..." Tanner paused, "I am glad I came here if for nothing else, to meet a person like you."

" better stop, you are going to make me cry."

"I didn't say it to make you cry, I said it because I want you to know how much you mean to me."

"Well, you mean a lot to me, too. I mean the only person I have ever been close to was Tonya, and it is different with you and me. I mean, I tell you everything, I never even did that with Tonya."

They had brushed the horse down and they were standing by Jasmine's head now. Julie was brushing Jasmine's mane. Tanner walked around and put his hand on hers, stopping her from brushing. Julie looked up at him, seeing him almost like he had never seen him before. His eyes were sparkling, his hair had grown this summer and was shaggy and curly hanging almost to his shoulders. She reached up to touch his hair with her other hand, he placed his free hand on her hand which was now caressing his face. He leaned down and kissed her. They had kissed several times since that first kiss by the pond. They were sweet and tender kisses. Everything Tanner was. But this kiss was a promise of things to come, a friendship that was growing into something much more.


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