p.8 I know it's you Sith

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Sith flew as fast as she could to the tribe's territory, she scolded herself for being too wrapped up in hating Caith's stealing ways that she forgot the reason she was here in the first place. Her worry increases as she landed at the gates to the tribe, they're not really big but, it's enough to cover the  insides of the territory and for Sith to hide and round the corner so she could slip inside. She pulled the hood of her oversized jacket over her head to cover her face and she jumped the fence and hid behind one of the igloos, then she made her way to the center of the streets walking towards the tribe center. If you didn't know, the North territory looked pretty much like that of a human kingdom, only instead of man made structures consisting of woods and concrete, theirs is completely made of ice, their shelter is what humans called igloo, and their palace, a magnificent display of how beautiful ice can be, imagine fountains made of ice, benches, even trees are ice sculptures adorning the whole territory. The flow of fairies dragged Sith towards the center of the village, she thought of fighting the current but decided to go with it, for whatever it is that's leading fairies there might be of high importance that almost everyone wants to be there.

"Fairies of the Northern tribe, come forth and witness the fate that awaits those who betrayed us," an usher called to everyone,

'So he's the one luring the fairies here,' Sith thought as she pushed through the crowd.

Behind the Fairy who's been calling them is a platform that is raised above the ground, a fairy he recognize as a punisher stood in the middle, hands holding an elixir that will cause the consumer to dissipate. Sith shudder at the sight, whoever that elixir is for is really doomed, behind the platform is the mighty Chief, the mercenary scoffed at the sight of him, sitting in his chair head held high as if he is above all beings, when truth is, he's just another dispiteful creature. How the tribesmen never saw him for what he really was is a mystery, or maybe they fear him so much that no one dared to go against him.

"Behold, the criminal that for cycles evaded our hunters, the relic thief." the announcer spoke and the crowd went wild.

If right at that moment there is a contest of who can hold their breath the longest, Sith would've won, her eyes never leaving the fairy the Chief's men are dragging towards the center of the platform, her clothes are stained with blood, her cuts and bruises are visible that Sith is convinced they used poisoned knives to inflict them, that way the wounds will heal slowly. A tear escaped her eyes when she saw Caith's swollen red face, there's no denying she's in terrible pain, her cheeks glinted with fresh tears coming from her dark blue orbs. From where she stood, the mercenary can see life left the thief's eyes, there's no glint whatsoever, just dead, like the time where she cast a spell on the bear, her eyes in trance like she can't see anyone anymore. Her wings is nowhere to be found, Sith almost fainted at the thought of them cutting it off. Her right arm is filled with cuts she assumed from trying to remove the amulet.

"Today, we shall take back what is ours, we will take back the amulet, freeing it from her grasp and the thief shall dissipate." said the announcer, on cue, the punisher walked towards Caith as two more Fairies held her down which is useless since Caith is not fighting them.

Before the punisher can take one more step, a gust of wind knocked the three fairies off the platform, then a large tornado covered Caith. The crowd went wild once more, fleeing away from the scene, Sith didn't bulge when bodies hit her, she just continued walking towards the platform, her pupils turned completely red that it swallowed even her white eyeballs, anyone who tried to get in her way gets pushed away by powders of snow thrown into them. The punisher charged towards Sith who blocked his punch, then she took the elixir from his other hand then pushed the whole bottle down his throat, the punisher screamed in agony as his body turned into dust.

Sith reached the platform and entered the tornado where Caith is kneeling down at the center of the storm, the red eyed fairy knelt down in front of her holding the wounded fairy's cheek, Sith forced Caith to look at her, red meeting blue, no one blinked, not once, Sith leaned her forehead against the taller girl, tears flowed freely from her red eyes.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed, but no response came from Caith, her eyes lost somewhere that it hurt Sith even more.

"I know it's you Sith." called the voice Sith despised too much, with hesitation Sith commanded the tornado to disappear, the Chief's men surrounding the platform, weapons pointed at the two of them, Sith stood in front of Caith facing the Chief.

"This doesn't involve an outcast like you, get away from the thief." He commanded, cycles ago, Sith would've flinched and bend down at his orders, but now, with Caith's life on the line, Sith wouldn't back down, she won't step back, she will fight with her life.

"Caith is an outcast like me, nothing we do is in any of the tribe's concern, let us leave and I will consider letting your men live." said Sith, her eyes never leaving the Chief's own, he snorted.

"She is a thief, she stole from the tribe, she must be punished!" he said.

"You sold the arrowhead yourself, whatever happens to it afterwards doesn't concern you, I made a mistake bringing her here, I won't make the same mistake twice." said Sith and waved her hands, a tornado swept the Chief and his men away, sending them flying on all corners. Sith carried Caith in her arms and flew away from the Northern territory.

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