Chapter 4

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Pheobe POV


This is like some crazy dream. We are actually in Italy of all places! I've never felt so nervous before in my entire life. What if he isn't happy to see me and ignores me completely when we arrive?

Mom and Dad seem the most nervous out of all five of us. Grandpa Carlisle and Uncle Jasper both seem calm and me..well I don't really know how I feel because although I'm nervous I'm also excited and slowly the hole in my chest is healing itself.

He must be close by and we must be in Volterra now.

Everything looks amazing here. I hope we come back here one day, I would really like to learn all I can about the culture it seems fascinating and so..lively.

"Pheobe we are here." Dad said snapping me out of my little day dream.

When I turned to him the first thing I could see was the hesitancy in his eyes. Mom was just glaring at the doors while Uncle Jasper and Grandpa were grabbing our bags.

"Okay dad." I signed back smiling at him.

I was nervous as I stepped out of the car. This is one step closer to seeing him. I tried in to control my breathing and heart from racing because honestly I think dad would just drag us all back home if I seem even the littlw bit hesitant about this.

As we all entered the castle the first thing I noticed was two men dressed in black capes standing there glaring at my family and me. To be honest they weren't that scary, a little intimidating yes but not scary.

"Can we help you Cullens." The taller one spat looking at each of us with distaste.

"We need to speak with your master Aro." Grandpa Carlisle spoke up giving the nameless man a polite smile as the rest of us was stiff as a statue.

The man grunts in annoyance as him and his coven mate lead us to an elevator. The other male was watching me in confusion and looked towards my parents asking them the one thing that even I don't know.

"So why have you brought the youngest cullen with you?" He questioned curiously.

"I believe that is our business." Dad answered and pulled me into his arms as Mom stood on my otherside protectively.

"Edward I'm sure Demetri didn't mean any harm he is just simply curious." Grandpa spoke trying to stop an arguement before it happens. 'Always the peace maker.' I thought to myself. Poor dad getting scolded even at his old age.

"Thank you Carlisle. Children these days can be so rude and..aggressive." Demetri responded giving Dad a smug look.

It didn't take us long till we reached two large doors, which the giant guard member opened. The first thing I saw when they opened was the leaders of the Volturi Aro, Marcus and Cauis sitting on their thrones.

"Ah Cullens! how wonderful it is to see you again." The man in the middld who I remembered to be Aro spoke giddly.

My eyes darted all around the room until they finally found the red eyes that I've been waiting 16 long years to see again.

In that one moment I finally felt all the loneliness and sadness leave my body and in its place was happiness and love. Just seeing him right now was enough to bring a small smile upon my face and it didn't go unnoticed by my family.

"It is good to see you too old friend. Unfortunately we haven't come for just a visit but to ask for your help." Grandpa spoke but I tuned all the voices out as I stared at the boy who haunted my every dream and thoughts. He was still as handsome as the first time we met and nothing had changed.

His eyes seemed to sparkle as they looked directly at me and I'm sure mine mirrored his look of love and adoration.

"Oh? And what is it you need help with my friends?" Aro's voice asked snapping us both out of our staring.

"It's actually Pheobe." My mothers voice was heard and instantly I was confused.

Why were we here for me? I know for a fact that I didn't do anything wrong so did they no longer want me anymore? Is it because I'm so quiet and reserved now?

"And what is wrong with the littlest cullen?" Aro questioned staring at me with a small kind smile that even shocked me.

"We don't know exactly. Ever since we had seen you sixteen years ago she hasn't been the same and became silent. Every day she sits by the window waiting for something but we don't know what. We are worried and want to know what changed that day." Dad answered as he looked defeated at having to ask the Volturi for help.

When I glanced at my parentd all I could feel was guilt. They had been so worried that they actually went to their enemies to get ke help! It also annoyed me though that they would talk about this in a room full of vampires who I don't want knowing about my issues.

"Interesting may I?" Aro spoke nicely as he appeared infront of me holding out his hand.

With a look of reassurance from my parents I softly placed my own hand in Aro's.

This was it, my parents will finally understand why I am the way I am. Aro will know that he means everything to me and I honestly have no idea if that is a bad thing or not. How will my family react?

"It seems that young Pheobe here has been waiting for her mate to return to her all this time. She is very strong most vampires would have gone searching or went insane for being away from there mate for this long." Aro answered the question my family has been desperate for an answer to all these years.

When he let go of my hand I looked up as my eyes connected with Aro's and what I saw made me feel worse. Pity and Anger were the emotions that swirled in his ruby red eyes and I know Dad saw what Aro did.

My eyes shifted towards my family and they all seemed shocked but my Dad was fuming as he glared over at him.

"Perhaps we should let the two mates have some time alone in the gardens while we discuss what is best to do for the two." Marcus suprisingly spoke up making everyone's attention go to him.

"Yes your right brother. Alec take your mate to the gardens while we all try to figure out what will be needed to happen." Aro spoke happily.

I didn't even want to see my families looks of hurt and betrayal as Alec glided over to me offering his arm. My heart sped up as he led me out the room with an emotionless face. Maybe we shouldn't have come?

As soon aa the doors closed behind us and we were a good distance away Alec pulled me close to his chest and whispered the one thing I've been dreaming and wishing I would hear him say.

"My sweet Pheobe. What have I done to you?" He whispered as he kissed the top of my head hugging me tighter to him.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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