Avalon's Secret

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Sitting inside his cottage, the Druid of the Moon was with a blonde female. "We need to tell her." The woman said. Avalon sighed, running a hand through his black hair. "I know, but how will Stephanie take it? I've failed her multiple times. Some parent I turned out to be." He signed. The woman put a hand on his face, and caressed it with her thumb. "You don't know that." She soothed. Avalon looked the woman in the eye. "Maybe you're right Athena. As usual." He smiled.

Getting up from his chair, he began making some herbal tea to calm him down. Athena was Stephanie's mother, who left Jorvik to keep her daughter safe. She knew there was something special about her, but kept that a secret from everyone. She knew they would return to the island some day, and when Stephanie found an advert in her favourite horse magazine, Athena knew it was time.

Athena was part of the Lightning Circle, and besides her combat magic, she was a black belt in Jujitsu. Avalon placed a cup in front of her. "She's been acting strange lately. Missing lessons, hurrying up meetings. It's like she's not taking her Druid responsibilities seriously." Avalon said, taking a sip of his tea. "Remind you of anyone?" Athena giggled. Avalon smirked. Ah yes, the times when he and Athena would sneak out just to see each other. However when she fell pregnant, they married and couldn't wait for the arrival of their child. When Stephanie was born, Avalon was grateful to have a daughter. By the time she was around three, Athena was gone, along with their daughter. He only had a brief explanation on a note.

He shook his head, clearing it of the memories. "You understand now why I left?" Athena asked. Avalon nodded. "Yes. You were protecting her. With good reason too. She's the fifth rider, and she would be in grave danger growing up here." He said. Athena nodded, and took the empty cups to the sink. She had never stopped loving him, and Avalon's feelings towards her never faltered either. Now was the time to tell Stephanie the truth.

They went to Elizabeth's house, and upon seeing Athena, her eyes and face lit up. "Athena? Is that you? Why didn't you send a message?" The head Druid smiled, hugging her old friend. "I'm sorry, Lizzy, I came as fast as I could when word reached me about Steph. So it's true... She is the fifth Soul Rider?" Athena queried. Elizabeth sighed and nodded. "I knew you thought you were trying to protect her, but it seems Aideen needs her here." She said. Athena slumped her shoulders, and Avalon put an arm around her waist. "It's okay. You did your best." He reassured. They heard hooves, and saw Alex, Linda, Lisa, and Stephanie entering the stables.

They walked over, and Stephanie immediately spotted her mum. "Mum!" She smiled, running over to Athena and hugging her. "Oh, Stephanie. I'm so proud of you. Who knew you'd be the fifth rider?" She smiled. Steph went red with embarrassment, and turned her head to her new best friends. "Mum. I'd like you to meet the current Sisterhood. Alex, Linda and Lisa. We're still on the hunt for Anne." She said, pointing out each of the girls when she said their names. "Nice to meet ya." Alex smiled. The other riders smiled and said hello. "So what Circle are you part of, Ms Dragonchild?" Linda asked. Athena put her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "I'm part of the Lightning Circle." She said. Alex fist pumped the air. "Whoo! Another warrior!" She cheered. They all laughed. "Stephanie, you, me and Avalon need to talk alone. Let's go to his cottage." Athena whispered. Steph looked confused, but nodded

Avalon was nervous, he took a deep breath to calm himself, and gestured for his wife and Stephanie to sit on the sofa. "What's this about?" Stephanie asked. Athena took her hand. "Do you remember what I told you about your father?" She asked. The blonde haired young woman nodded. "Yeah. You said he lived in Sweden." The Soul Rider smiled. "That isn't true. I lied to keep you safe. Avalon, why don't you take it from here?" Athena said. The Druid gulped and puller down his hood. Steph was shocked. He was very handsome. "The truth is... I'm your biological father." He said, his tone hushed. Stephanie's eyes widened. "Y-you're lying!" She shouted. She got up and ran out of the door. Avalon got up to run after her, but Athena stopped him. "Give her some time, Avalon." She soothed.

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