Ch 1. A new beginning

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****Please vote if you are enjoying my story, its a very small act that brings me lots of happiness, and it helps alot, thank you and enjoy!****

"I hate this f.ucking country" I growled to myself as I stepped off the roaring plane and a gust of freezing wind blew in my face. I scanned the empty lot before me. I felt a hard tap on my shoulder and a gruff voice spoke impatiently: 

"Any day now lady" 

I rolled my eyes and walked onward. I wrapped my arms around myself, drawing my light jean jacket closer to me as my feet carried me to the large airport that was looming up ahead. I sighed in relief as I stepped inside. 

Quickly, I found a place to que up in to have my passport checked. Just as I was about to walk in the back of the que something hard elbowed me out of the way. 

"Hey!" I protested and looked up at the stranger. 

He had bright jade eyes, big full lips and a perfectly cut jawline. He had on a beanie but I could see chocolate curls spilling out from under it. He scowled. 

"I'm in a hurry do you mind?"  He spoke in a deep british accent. Figgures.

"I was here first" I stubbornly said. Normally I would let a small thing like this go but I was pissed off today, today was the first day of the rest of my life which I would be spending in the miserable city of London.

"No you werent in the line yet, and I would like to get out of this stinking airport as soon as possible so would you stop being such a bitch and let this go?" He snapped.

I held up a hand in surrender and rolled my eyes, mumbling "Bastard" Under my breath. 

He huffed and turned around. 

I spent the rest of the time in line checking his ass out. Sure he was rude, but I couldnt deny, the boy had fine buns. Especially in those tight skinny jeans he had on. 

After I had my passport checked I went on to get my luggage. While I was waiting for them to put out the luggages I saw the guy again. This time he kept on scowling, groaning and checking his phone every minute or so. 

They finally set out the bags and I rushed to find mine. I picked up the plain black luggage and began dragging it away before a harsh hand grabbed my wrist. When I turned around I found myself staring into deep green eyes for the second time this day.

"What?" I snorted.

"You have my bag, do you not see the "Harry Styles" in the corner?" He spit out.

I checked the bottom corner and sure enough, there was a small white tag with the name Harry Styles scribbled on it. I blushed and handed the bag to him. 

"Sorry, we must have the same bags"

He nodded and snatched the bag from my grasp.

"Be more careful next time" He grunted and pushed past me. 

I sighed and went back to the pile of bags and located my own. This time I opened it to make sure my belongings were inside. 

By the time I exited in the waiting area my feet were killing me. I brought out a crumpled piece of paper from my pocket. 156 Dove Lane. I stepped outside in the freezing cold and saw a sign with a taxi on it, I guess this is the place where I have to wait for a taxi. 

I stood there for who knows how long before I smelled smoke. I glanced beside me and saw that Harry Styles guy, standing there smoking casually. 

"Could you please not stand so close to me, I dont want to stink like smoke" I snapped. 

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