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Gaea's POV

(A/N: This takes place during the final battle and everything happens exactly like in the final PJ book.)

Sea green... That was the color of the eyes that had captivated me from the second I saw them—the eyes of that demigod and all those emotions drowning within them. Emotions I've always wanted to feel and experience. That love he gave and received in turn, that loyalty, happiness, kindness, confidence, and undying hope—how I have always wanted those in my life...

Always, I have always been betrayed and tortured, whether it was by Ouranos or Tartarus, whether it was by my titan children or the giants. And when I dared to get rid of the first husband, I got stuck with the second, and for what??? For what did I go through all the torture and pain?? For those ungrateful children of mine who lied to me and fed me with all those thoughts that made me think these gods were evil and deserved death??? How could I have been so blinded that I couldn't even tell right from wrong???

I am so tired of all these betrayals, pain, suffering, these stupid wars, and being used all my life!!! When can I get a break??? I'm so tired; I just want to stop... And yet, it's been so long that I have forgotten how to stop. That is why I am fighting so that I can either end this godly race or die and go to sleep myself.

Hundreds to thousands of demigods, both Greek and Roman, charge towards me as I rise from the ground. Battle screams, the scrambling of feet, the clashing of swords, the pained screams of the monsters—every single sound penetrates my ears and all I want is to shut them all out. Why are these demigods charging towards me??? Do they think they can beat me when their own parents were covering behind the closed doors of Olympus months ago??? Do they have a death wish???

Suddenly, a newer sound reaches my ears—the sound of something crashing. I turn around to look and find a ship. Six demigods flooded out of the remains of the ship. That was when I saw it—the mesmerizing sea-green eyes staring back in my direction. I couldn't turn my eyes and look away; every single sound seemed to fade off. The only thing I seemed to be able to register in my head were those sea-green eyes, which seemed to hold the entire burden of the world. I wonder why he always goes so far for this world... What does he get in return??? Countless times in his journey, he almost sacrificed his life, and for what??? Winning one war only to be forced into another??? For gods, who will barely recognize him???

As I was grabbed into the air by a bronze dragon and was charm-spoken to by a puny girl who thinks she can charm-speak a primordial, I couldn't help but think only of those sea green eyes and its owner, who seemed ready to die for any of his friends to protect everyone he loves. I could tell one day he'd be betrayed; all the greatest heroes always are...

I hated the owner of these sea-green eyes for having everything that I've always wanted but never received and for not having a single thing that I'd have loved to get rid of, and yet I found myself falling for him for the very same reason... As I was burned alive by Leo, I found myself falling for Perseus Jackson.

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