Melt Down

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AUTHOR'S NOTES: I don't own the rights to the song or video "Wrong Side of Heaven" by Five Finger Death Punch" (I added this video because it gave me inspiration for this chapter. I don't own any copyright to the songs " paranoid" by Black Sabbath. "Bloody Kuckles, Broken Glass" By otherwise; "Jumper" by Natalie Taylor; "Coming Down" by Five finger Death punch.; "Waving through a Window" by Travis Atero.;

John Kreese walks quickly through  through the crowd, but people stop and stare at him. He yells, "Leave me alone. Mind your business."  Someone spits on him. (It was Lyle the pawn shop guy)  "Great, you assholes spit on me, just like when I returned from Nam. I fought for you people. How dare you spit on me!"

Several people laugh and take out thier phones and record Kreese yelling. Johnny, Bobby and Daniel are outside talking to Xander and his mother. They hear Kreese yelling and walk over.

Daniel yells, "See, this guy really is nuts. I'm glad his dojo won't be allowed to go to All Valley this Year." The crowd cheers. 

Kreese yells, "I told the tournament board I don't give a shit." He shoves Daniel and runs away yelling. "I don't give a shit anymore." 

Johnny, Bobby and Daniel stand there laughing. 

As he walks back to the Cobra Kai dojo, he mutters to himself. "I don't give a shit." over and over. People stare at him. Some people whisper, "It's that crazy karate guy on the internet. The one who hurt those kids."

Kreese overhears them and screams, "Yeah everything's my fault. Everything  I touch goes to shit. Just like back in Nam.

The people run away. As John walked back to the dojo,  He remembered asking the dojo students if they knew anything about computers. Frank said he did. Kreese took Frank back to the office and showed him his computer and told him about videos popping up, then disappearing. 

"What kind of videos?" Frank asked.

"I'd rather not say." John said.

"Are they porn?" Frank  asked.

"No! Just don't worry about what kind. They're weird because they disappear after I see them. You ever hear of that happening before?"

"Maybe they're still there, but you can't find them. They could be sandboxed."

"Huh? Kid I got no idea what you're talking about." Kreese said.

"I'll look at your files and see what I can find. Oh, and I'll need your cell phone. It could be affectedalso. Hackers get phones though an email address."

Kreese nodded and gave Frank  his phone. 

The next day Frank   returned the phone and Laptop to Kreese. "I found nothing. No viruses or strange video files."

"You're sure?" 

"Yes Sensei. I worked on it all night, nothing." 

Kreese sighed and mumbled. "This proves I'm crazy and paranoid."

"What Sensei?"

"Never mind. Just go out to the dojo and warm up." Frank  bowed and left the office.

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