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A groan escaped him as he tried to sit. The pain felt on his body was at times –most of the times –unbearable. He had no choice but to continue the training, especially since he was a Newcomer after all.

A week had already passed, but the wounds had only made slow progress. The long scar on his shoulder was a deep, huge scar indeed. But it was nothing compared to the one on his abdomen. The line was shorter, but it was an area that gave him the greatest pain.

The injuries affected his speed as he launched his own attack at his new training partner. Although it hurt his pride, he was still grateful that the latter wasn't as wild as his previous partner. His current situation wouldn't allow him to withstand another wild and ruthless partner to train with.

Jungkook sat down on the ground after retrieving his water to drink. His new partner, Yugyeom sat beside him. "You were badly wounded, weren't you?" Yugyeom asked.

He merely nodded his head, a little embarrassed that the story went around fast.

"Are the wounds healing up all right?"

Jungkook exhaled through his nose. "No," he shook his head. He wished it wouldn't take him forever to heal. Trainings were as important as breathing, at this point. If his injuries wouldn't stop attacking him, limiting his movements and speed, he wouldn't make the cut.

Yugyeom suddenly leaned slightly closer and asked, "If it's that serious, shouldn't you go to the Healers?"

He couldn't count how many times he'd consider doing that. The first few nights had been awful, and he had practically begged his grandfather to bring him to the Healers. He hadn't had wounds as painful as what he had at that moment. And it wasn't even the worst thing.

Sometimes at night when he was deep in a slumber, the moments of when the burning sword sliced his shoulder and thrust deep into his abdomen would appear as nightmares. He would wake up to a body completely covered with sweat, his heart went on a furious race and the wounds began to burn.

"I would have done that long ago, Yugyeom," he answered calmly before lowering his voice. "But we are Newcomers. We are not allowed to do so."

Jungkook didn't understand why Yugyeom didn't seem to have a prior knowledge regarding that. He watched the latter slowly absorbing it, instilling the information to his mind before a frown appeared on his face. Most probably he was absent at the Introduction Week. Perhaps, Yugyeom didn't even have to go through the Introduction Week like the rest of them, given that his mother possessed a high rank in the Defense Sector.

"Does that mean if you were actually close to death, if all treatments failed, they will let you die?"

Jungkook nodded. "As what they told us, 'Toughen up no matter what'," he said.

The training continued until dusk before they were told to go home to bathe. They were expected to come again after dinner for another training session. On his way home, Jungkook stopped by the market. He remembered the empty fruit basket in his house.

He immediately regretted buying too much. The injury on his left shoulder had taken away his energy to lift heavy things. The official outfit of a Newcomer was in his right hand after he'd taken it off as soon as the training ended, unable to wear it for long since it suffocated the wounds he had. Taking the deepest breath, Jungkook held back his grunt as he lifted the basket filled with fruits to bring home using the same hand that he used to hold his outfit.

"Do you need help?"

Jungkook went still briefly, turning to his left where a woman dressed in a long peach silky dress approaching him. It didn't take long for him to recognize who the female was as soon as the light rain on her countenance.

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