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"She improved well."

Chaeyoung's chest fell heavily with a sigh. She stared at her hands and fingers and wondered what had gone wrong with her. The patient she had was not fully healed even after she had used up all her energy. While her mother and brother were saying how she had made improvements from the previous time, Chaeyoung had the same thought as her father; no improvement was made at all.

"All her peers are now capable of reconstructing fully shattered bones and she can't even heal a scar as long as the kitchen knife perfectly. How is that an improvement?" the head of the family asked. It was clear how he was unimpressed and disappointed.

The reputation of their family as the best Healers was tainted with her failure of becoming one of them. She was disappointed with herself, too. If she didn't make an improvement soon, she might be forced to get married with another Healer to produce children that would have to shoulder the responsibility of becoming Healers as well.

The number of Healers had decreased after the incursion years ago, forcing young people of the Healing Sector to start practicing their healing ability day and night to prepare for a future attack, forcing them to master every single thing in a short period of time. These youths were expected to be the same level as all the veteran and skillful Healers at the end of their practices. Healers play a very significant role in the society, an existence vital not only to themselves but also to others who also had their own roles in protecting the village.

"You promised to do better, Chaeyoung," her father reminded her. "We had a deal."

"Father, if we compare her to the rest of her peers, she is younger than them," her brother, Jimin defended her. "It is normal that they can do more than her."

"Age is not an excuse in our family," their father retorted. "You were also younger than the rest of your peers when you managed to completely heal a man who had been handicapped all his life, Jimin."

The door slammed to a close and Chaeyoung flinched at the sound. Jimin sat beside her, took her hand and squeezed it. "Don't listen to Father. You are doing really well."

"Father is right. I am not improving, Jimin."

"No, you are improving. In fact, you've made a big improvement. Last week, you couldn't even hold the lights for long. Last week, your lights weren't as bright as today's."

Chaeyoung shook her head, pulling her hand away from her brother's hold and walked to the window. Her eyes watered with disappointment as she looked at the stars. How was she going to help the village if she couldn't even produce a light as bright as the star? She didn't want to be useless. She didn't want to become a Healer just by the name. She didn't want to be useful only when offspring of Healers were needed.

"Chaeyoung, don't be discouraged yet. You are doing just fine."

"That's easy for you to say, Jimin," she wiped her eyes gently. "You are an excellent Healer, unlike me. I practice each day and night, and I could never even get close to the others' level." I could never get close to your level.

Jimin walked toward her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't try to reach the level of others. You have your levels, just be there. Be at your own levels." He patted her gently and gave her a smile. "Come on, let's get you some food."

"I am not hungry," she sighed.

"Don't be ridiculous. The growl of your stomach was as loud as Father's snore," Jimin snorted and pushed her from the back gently and a quiet laughter finally escaped her as they made their way out of the room.


After a few bouts of warm ups, Jungkook flexed his right arm and effortlessly, flame surrounded his clenched fist before a flaming sword formed in his hold. It took him longer than the usual to produce fire to form a shield using his left arm. Nevertheless, he did well in his training. Much better than the previous days.

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