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the moon was beautiful;
it was the light,
the guide,
the beauty of universe all combined.

But oh darling,

everything beautiful is flawed.


The next few days pass by like a blur; a blur of emotions and excruciating tension. They didn't talk unless It was really necessary, as if a silent agreement had been concurred between them to keep a significant distance.

And to deny the feelings which were - very obviously - developing between them.

Andy was not an idiot. He knew the tension between them was not just emotional : He had seen the look of lust in Rye's eyes and was equally aware of his own growing desire that threatened to take control everytime their fingers would brush gently over an exchange of some random object.

Andy has received enough love letters and read enough romance novels to conclude what this could mean and yet he somehow wished that this would all mean nothing.

It was naive of him. Really naive.

He closed his eyes momentarily; reflecting upon his own feelings for his - rude yet beautiful - bodyguard. He wanted to confess, wanted to let this burden of feelings lift off of him.

But he was afraid.

No, not of rejection.

He was afraid of the consequences.


CIA Headquarters
10:45 am

Blair walked through the double doors of technology department, muttering a few sentences of acknowledgement when people greeted him. His steps were hurried yet they were firm and silently spoke of his authority over the agency.

"Sir!" Alex quickly stood up when he saw his commander approach. Blair nodded in greeting.

"Have you received any news from Beaumont?" Blair asked, getting straight to the topic.

"No, Sir. Actually..." Alex hesitated, avoiding Blair's calculating eyes.

"Is there something that you're keeping from me, Champ?"

"Nothing important in particular. But I-Uh.. I've a feeling that Rye might have his priorities.. confused at the moment." Alex spoke with hidden nervousness.

"Are you suggesting that he might be slacking off?"


"I've noticed." Blair interrupted, leaving Alex shocked - Rye is one of the best agents they have, afterall.

"Are you deciding to be lenient with him?" Alex knew the mission was important and they couldn't afford to let anything distract them. He also knew that Blair was aware of this more than him.


Alex's eyes widened in shock once again. Yes, Blair liked to play favourites but this mission wasn't a game.

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