. F O U R .

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I woke up as I heard The Ramones being played loudly from somewhere in the apartment. I heard an annoyed growl beside me as an arm flung onto me, making my shoulder and elbow pop, "Owww, fuck."

I don't know why I said ow since it didn't really hurt at all. I guess it's what I'm used to saying. The arm jerked itself off of me, almost as if the person was in shock I was there. I rubbed my eyes. Why was my dad listening to The Ramones? Who did I bring home? Wait. Vampire. Never mind. I rolled onto my back to glance at Laz only to see Silas sitting up. He was mumbling under his breath but I could hear what he was saying almost perfectly.

"Lazzareth and his god damn music always being too fucking loud."

I gave a shrug as I looked around the dark room, being able to see the outlines and colors of everything, "Do you not like music?"

"LAZZARETH MALAKAI GET IN HERE!" Silas yelled. My eyes moved over to a bookcase that had piles of papers on it along with old looking books and several picture frames. I got out of the bed and headed to the bookcase. The pictures were of a girl, clearly from a different time period. How old was Silas, anyways. "Get away from there."

Silas grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me away from the bookcase. I raised my eyebrows at him, "Sorry, I wanted to look at the pictures."

"They aren't for you to see. LAZZARETH!" Silas said before yelling for Laz again. I rolled my eyes. Why does he have to be so rude? I only wanted to see the pictures. Who was the girl? Why did Silas not want me to see her pictures? "LAZZAR-"

Before Silas could finish saying 'Lazzareth', Laz opened the door, letting light from the living room flood into the bedroom. He looked so hot without a shirt and his wet hair all over the place. I looked over at Silas, wondering why he was yelling for Lazzareth, anyways. Did he not like The Ramones? Outsider by The Ramones was louder now and I bopped my head to the beat as Silas let my arm go. I loved this song. Then again, I loved everything by The Ramones.

"I heard you the first time. Oh, Veronica, come here and let me make you normal again." Lazzareth said as he looked at me and gave me a little smile. I didn't know what he meant by normal; I wasn't a normal person and I never would be. I walked over to him, trying my best to contain myself at his cuteness.

Silas gave a sigh, "Really? I like her like this."

What am I like? What's different about me? Lazzareth shook his head as he pulled me into his bare chest, wrapping his arms around me. I was forced to look to the side and stare at Silas. The longer parts of his hair were ruffled about and sticking up in places, making him look like a teenager. He looked pretty cute. Why didn't he have a girlfriend?

"It's not who she is and I can't leave her like this. If she's able to deal with your jerkiness then she could fall for you." Laz said as he leaned his head down on mine. I felt a tingling on my forehead before my mind went blank. What are we talking about? I know Laz didn't just say something about me falling for Silas. I shoved Laz off of me, "Eww. How could I ever fall for that ass?"

I punched Lazzareth as hard as I could in his right shoulder. It made him lean backwards a little bit as I sent him a glare, "Did you use that mind control shit on me to make me deal with Silas all night?"

"No. I used it to make you deal with him all day. He was going to tie you up and sew your mouth shut if I didn't. I told you this morning I was doing it for your own good." Laz said as he looked at me. I could see the sincerity in his eyes. I looked back at Silas, "You wouldn't have tied me up and sewn my mouth shut."

Silas gave a smirk before turning the lamp on his dresser on and opening a drawer. He pulled out some thick rope, leaving the rest in the drawer, "You don't know me, princess."

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