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I can't believe Silas made me sit in the back of Lazzareth's black 1969 Boss 429 Mustang. I mean, it's a nice car, and it has a nice rumble from the engine, but I won't jump out of it. I've gotten sort of attached to Laz. I like him by my side. I like the feeling of him by my side - not in a sexual way. Yes, the sex is a major plus and the best I have ever had, but we have a lot in common. We like a lot of the same bands and the only other person that has ever liked half of the bands I like has been Lacey.

Lacey and I have been friends since middle school. If anything, you could say we are best friends. She's always there for me and I'm always there for her. Lacey is what I would say a top of the line girl. She has long, wavy light brown hair and gorgeous dark blue eyes. I've always thought she could be a model or a movie star with her looks. She's not like me and prefers to wear things that are popular and in style. We're complete opposites in looks. I've always been into the punk fashion as well as the music. Lacey doesn't really get it. She has both parents who are in a happy relationship and a younger sister. She has a perfect life. She knows about how my dad treats me and always checks up on me if she hasn't heard from me in a few days. I don't want to lose contact with her.

Laz stopped the car in front of the dirty looking one story house I had to call my home. My dad would rarely do any maintenance to make the place look nice. It had fading and grungy tan paint on the outside, missing black shingles on the roof, duct tape on one of the windows where I threw a bottle at my father when he was trying to hit me, and the grass was mostly brown and overgrown. I hated this place. I hated that both Laz and Silas were looking at it and knew it existed. Silas made a disgusted sound, "This is where you live?"

"Apparently not anymore." I said as the boys opened their car doors. Silas turned to lift the seat and let me out when the front door of my house opened. Silas grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and turning to look at the person leaving my house. I smiled as I saw Lacey lift her bike from the tall grass. Silas leaned his head down towards mine, "Who is this beauty?"

"Don't even think about touching her. I'll rip your dick off." I said in a low tone.

Silas chuckled as Lazzareth came up beside us and took my hand in his, pulling me out of Silas' grip. I leaned into Laz and smiled at Lacey as she noticed us. She dropped her bicycle and almost ran towards us. She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Where have you been? You vanished last night and didn't even call me. Your dad said you hadn't come home. I was worried." Lacey said as she pulled away from the hug.

I smiled and nodded my head towards Laz, "Sorry. I didn't mean to leave you. A lot of last night is a blur."

Lacey looked up at Laz then looked at Silas. She rolled her eyes. Lacey never liked that I slept around. She thinks I'll end up murdered and pregnant. Her dark blue eyes moved back up to Laz, "So you finally caught the attention of the Shadow Dweller."

Laz chuckled, "Shadow dweller?"

I felt my cheeks getting warm. He was the Shadow Dweller, wasn't he? I was never able to see his face because he stayed in the shadows of shows. But I do remember finally seeing his face last night and knew then I needed him. I shook my head, "We always saw you at shows but you stayed in the shadows and we didn't know what you looked like. So we called you the Shadow Dweller."

Lacey giggled, "Yeah, we always knew if you were at a show the band was good."

Laz chuckled again, "I guess I do have good taste in music."

"That crap you listen to isn't good music." Silas said. "Anyways, we don't have much time. Lazzareth, do your magic."

I turned around to look at Laz. I was hoping he was reading my mind. Do not erase anything from Lacey, please. She's my best friend.

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