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I didn't know him personally but hearing abut his death cause me so much pain that I feel completely numb . The first time I saw him was in the Disney Channel series Jessie he played Luke Ross when I saw him the first thought that cross my mind was that he was cute I was ten at the time. And as the time pass he became one of these person that even if you don't think about everyday stays in your heart forever. I am not trying to gain sympathy but I just feel like it's not right for him to lose his life so young without being able to marry the woman or man he loves because me personally I see nothing wrong in loving someone of the same sex as you. He won't even be able to have children . I have this feeling in my heart that even if we won't see him ever again he will always be part of our life.

Now arriving at the part where I was trying to avoid. Me saying my last word to him letting those last tear fall knowing that his friends and family are suffering more than me make me want to be there for them to hug them when they cry but I am a complete stranger to them and I know it will pain them more. I love you with all my heart and I will forever miss you even if my mind forget about you,you will always be a part of my heart even unknowingly because I cant make the promise to never forget cause I'm only human . You are not here anymore but I know that you are continuing your destiny somewhere else . I hope that you are happy wherever you are CAMERON BOYCE

I hole that this message will help those who are feeling the same as you.


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