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***NATE P.O.V.***

I knock twice and quickly enter (y/n)'s house. Everyone was there except for Andrew and Elan. They had gone to Canada so the Andrew could get everything ready to be transported down here. (Y/n) looked at me and seeing my worried face, she asked me if I was alright. I shook my head and told them about my dream. 

" I saw Natemare." I said. Everyone huddled around me, curious about what I had to say. " It was in a dream. I was in an alley off of ( insert street name here) in downtown Winston. There was a split wall and when I stepped through it, there was this massive clearing with crumbled pieces of destroyed buildings and rocks scattered everywhere." 

" That sounds like the old library and shopping center that was torn down two years ago." Tess said and I continued.

" I saw him for only a second, then he was gone. There was an old shed behind the library and I saw the door shut. I went back there and found him in the back. He told me that he didn't want to be like the others. He's actually afraid of them. Then Madpat came looking for him and that's where I woke up." 

" We need to go look tonight. Just in case this is real." (Y/n) said and everyone nodded. "I'll research the Egos. We'll need to get in touch with anyone in the area as fast as possible to hold them off." She goes upstairs. 

" I've got two buddies who are visiting for a concert in Raleigh. I'll see if they can come." Will said and he goes to help (y/n).

***(Y/N) P.O.V.***

I look up the different evil YouTubers and wow. There's more than I thought:

Of course Darkiplier, AntiSepticEye,PewDIEpie, and now Natemare. Then there's Madpat (who is said to have 2 forms), Ryan.EXE, and Darko. 

" Wow." Will said. "I'm glad I don't have one."

"I had one." I said, glancing at a cased dagger on my wall. " I killed her though, so it's fine."

"Really?" He said, catching me gaze. He goes over to the dagger and studies it. 

"Yep. Her name was xX_(Insert Evil Name)Wolf_Xx and she was one bad glitch ( yes I mean glitch, not what you probably think :/ )."

I reach for my phone. " I have someone who can fight one of these guys." I dial Mat's number.

Mat- Hey, (y/n)!

Me- Mat! How are you?

Mat- I'm good, you?

Me- Well I'm good other than the fact that there's a horde of Egos out to get us and one of them is yours, yada yada yada. 

Mat- When do I need to be there?

Me- I knew you'd want to help. As soon as you can get here.

Mat- I'll be there at 12:00

Me- Sounds good. Bye.

Mat- See ya!

I hang up and look at the time. 11:00. Will comes back into the room.

" My guys are coming. Any luck with Mat?" He said, sitting on my bed.

" He'll be here at 12." I stood up out of my gaming chair and walked out. I met the others downstairs. 

***** Time skip to when Mat gets there*****

We all stand around a table. Nate went a got a map of Downtown Winston. He showed us where he saw Natemare both times. 

" So we'll need to be careful of the others when we go. Watch our backs with every move." Mark said. 

" It's the sad truth." Nate said. " If we want to make it out alive."

" We need to be extra careful if we hear a high pitched laugh and stuff like 'I see my prey.' or 'You will never have to last word.' Madpat is very dangerous and unpredictable. He can convince you that he's your friend, then he'll try to kill you without moments notice." Mat put in, speaking fast; his voice low and serious. " He'll slaughter us all if we don't watch it. And don't fall for anything he says, no matter what." 

Once we had everything set, it was pack and arm time. We all had our license to conceal carry and we brought extra weapons just in case we ran into trouble. 

"I hope everything goes well." Nate said as everyone was gearing up. "Let's just hope no one gets killed."

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