Chapter I- The Introduction

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On the first day at college, orientation was going on, people introducing themselves; the extrovert speaking the loudest and most, whereas, the introvert trying to avoid maximum conversation and just pretending to be preoccupied. The professor was trying to make the non-speakers talk, so he points at this really handsome boy, who chose to sit in the last bench, whereas, I sat in the second row. He had this beautiful wavy hair, that he would frequently brush with his hands. His hands spoke about his love for fitness and almost every vein was clearly visible. He wore these rectangular glasses that looked like it was made only for his perfectly proportioned face. 
When he spoke his first words, "Sir, me?", I think I skipped two beats already. He had this heavy, husky voice and his pronunciation was so clear. By now, I had completely turned back to see him so that I don't miss out on any of his details. He would frequently move his hands to describe things he spoke about as if it were all hanging in the air. After asking him about why he chose this course (Integrated MSc. in Biotechnology), his origin and his family background, sir was finally satisfied enough to move on to the next student. This gorgeous boy sat down, and I could no longer get a visual of him so I started adjusting in my seat hoping to get one last glance when someone sitting in front of me pat my back *TAP TAP* *TAP "HELLO?!" TAP*, I didn't respond, so the next pat was even harder almost like they were about to punch me next if I did not look at them already, so I turned around back to my original position. Even before I could start speaking to the girl who I noticed starring at me and give her my piece of mind, I noticed that the professor stood right in front of me, I think he had asked me to speak, but I was a little busy, being in *love* with this magnificent boy. I immediately looked down and probably turned red but due to my gifted melanin-rich skin, I doubt anyone noticed. Once Sir realized he had my full attention he didn't bother asking too many questions about why I was distracted, he directly moved on to where I came from and other general questions. 

I stood up to answer him, hoping I'd now have the attention of this boy, who completely stole mine. I spoke louder than usual and added a little pause to my words. I looked around while answering but didn't look directly at him, what if I stopped speaking and got distracted? The professor seemed very pleased with me, as I spoke very confidently. Once I was done, I sat down very proud of my performance. "So if I may ask now? What were you looking for?" said sir, "I was looking for someo..something that caught my attention," I said, "well you must find 'It' then, after class," he responded, I knew he obviously had every clue of what was going on but chose not to embarrass me on my first day. We smiled at each other, and he then moved on to the next student and continued his Q&A. 

This is when I heard this rough deep voice tell me, "so you speak this weirdly always? Or is it just today?" This girl who had aggressively pat my back was again looking right into my eyes, "Excuse me, do I know you? How dare you speak to me like that?" I said getting a little heated. "Chill bro, I am joking. You really tried hard to get Rag's attention. Raghav I mean, my brother, the 'something' you were looking for" she said. I was awfully embarrassed right now because she was the sister of the dreamy boy to whom I spoke very rudely! And after hearing her side of it, I was sort of sure he found me extra too! "Don't worry, you did fine. In fact, you have a nice voice, are you trying for the new Radio Jockey thing these guys have in this college?" she asked. "I am very sorry, I am. Yes, thank you. You have a very appealing voice yourself, and I was considering it just wasn't sure about revealing my true identity." I said, in a quaking voice. "You really need to calm down bro, and that's so cool, you'd be sort of two people!" This little conversation came to an abrupt end as the bell rang and she didn't even say her name or bye, just got up and hurried outside. 

Though that was a weird and very short interaction I found it exciting and wanted to interact more, her wit and voice really caught my attention. Later, after every student had left the room I walked up to the professor, he looked up at me while arranging his papers that were scattered on the desk, and said,' Hi, So how may I help you?'  I took a breath and said, "Sir, I would like to audition for the RJ Spot, but I'd like to remain anonymous,". 

"You are fumbling with words, is everything alright? Oh, and yes, Of course, you may report at sharp 7 am tomorrow for the auditions where we shall speak about keeping the identity hidden if you are selected. Until then you don't mention this to any of your new friends here." said sir. "That's very polite of you Sir, I am fine, just a little tired. See you tomorrow." I said, before leaving for home. 

**Mum came to pick me up, she was so happy to see me, she ran to hug me as she did on my first day of school. Well, some would be embarrassed by such an act but I was very glad that she took out time from her busy schedule to see me after my first day of college and was expressive about her feelings which sometimes did make people around me smile or giggle at us, but I didn't care as long as I knew my mother had a smile on her face. **

"HOW WAS YOUR DAY? TELL ME EVERYTHING!!" My mum said and her volume was so high anyone would have stopped to look at her, and they did. I looked around and smiled at those that looked familiar so that they'd know they should get used to her being hyperactive, that honestly, even I was. You are yet to discover that, but I am telling you so that you are prepared for when I show you my true monkey side. *MWAHAHA*

"It was great, I think I made a new friend and already know who I am voting for as the Prof of the year if they have such a thing," I said happily. "I am starving, let's get waffles to go please," I added. Oh, guys, just by the way, I am a big foodie, so I will be eating while writing and adding a lot of eating scenes to this story. Also, me speaking to you in between the story, is that okay? Or should I not? Please tell me in the comments.

"Of course, Darling" mum said and she drove to my favourite Cafe De Paris.

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