Shuffle through phases

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It's been a week into the fomo tour, y/n has been sitting at home lonely and bored missing her man. The thought of thousands of girls hangin all over him made her lo key jealous. Y/n has been dating Zion from prettymuch for 3 years. They met at a Simon cowell party where she interned for him. They were the performance for the evening because Simon wanted to promote his new artist. They locked eyes during their performance of wym and the rest is history. As she laid in her king size bed she shares with him their dog simba jumped up and joined her. " hey silly baby" she said petting his head. " awe you miss your daddy too?" Just then she got a call from Zion . " hello"? She asked . " hey bae whatcha doing"? " laying in bed playing with simba miss you". " well i miss you more that's why I'm calling to see if you want to join me on tour?" " really"? You sure?" She asked. " yes I'm sure! Maggie and Izzy are coming and Ansley. " oh well in that case sure!" " great! I'm so excited to see you! I'm missing your body". He said in a sexy voice. " i want you to take my credit card and book your flight to my next show, i want you here with me ASAP"! " ok baby as soon as we hang up I'll book it". " alright baby i love you i got to go get ready for the show". " ok love you too". They hung up and she began booking her flight.
Within the next day she was landing in the state they were performing in next. She called him so she knew where to go."hello?" He answered " hey baby I'm here i just landed". " you did?! Ok stay there I'll have Jeff come pick you up. In 20 mins Jeff was there to take her to her man. When they rolled up to the hotel, she got out of the car and Jeff gave her an extra key card to Zion room and told her the room number. "Thanks!" She said and began walking toward the door. She was so excited to see him. They are never really apart for that long.she walked up to the room and slid the keycard in the door as she push on the handle she jumped as she saw Zion shirtless waiting for her at the door. She dropped her bags and wrapped her arms around him engaging in a passionate kiss. " baby I'm so glad your here" He said in between breathes trying to take her shirt off over her head. He pinned her up against the wall ever breaking their kiss . Her hands in his dreads. He started unbuttoning her pants as they fell to the floor. Standing in her bra and panties she yearned for his touch. She pulled his boxers down and his member bounced up and hit his stomach. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him . Against the wall he fucked her so good. He thrusts in and out making her squirm. While being inside of her he walked over to the bed as she bounced up and down on his dick. He laid her down, putting her legs on his shoulders he was able to get deep inside her core. " daddy is going to show you how much he missed his baby girl". " uhhh ok daddy" she said moaning . He flipped her over and she got on all fours . He grabbed her hips tightly and shoved his dick into her . As she moans into the pillow she managed to say " I'm about to cum" " me too baby " he took a few more pumps in and out and came inside her. When he pulled out the juices were dripping down her leg. She turn around and grabbed onto him , pulling him down on her as she laid down. Looking into his eyes kissing him again. " I've missed you daddy". All of a sudden there was someone at the door. " probably Brandon or Edwin telling us to shut up because we were too loud" he said with a laugh. Zion put a towel sound his waste and answered the door

It was Brandon he peaked around Zion to see what was going on because he didn't know y/n was there

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It was Brandon he peaked around Zion to see what was going on because he didn't know y/n was there. He looked and saw her on the bed covered up with the sheets. " oh hey my bad i didn't know you were here". Brandon always had a crush on y/n but never acted on it plus he had a girlfriend. " hey b it's ok i got in a while ago." " so what's up?" Zion asked. " i was just coming to see if you were ready for tonight's show". " well give me like half hour then I'll be ready for meet n greet". Zion said.
He closed the door back and walked back over to his girl. He kissed her again. "Ok baby I'm going to shower then go to meet n greet i got your vip for the show. " he didn't want to go , she just got her and quite frankly he wanted to fuck again. " come meet me in the shower". He dropped the towel and started the shower......

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