Author's Note

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This story is on hold at the moment. I don't know when or if I'll pick it back up. I'm sorry! In the meantime, I hope you'll check out some of my other stories on Wattpad. Much love!

Honor Among Friends

(Set in same school as Keeley/ Surprise appearance from Zach)

Normally, Madison Chase wouldn't consider being asked to join a study group a big deal, but she quickly finds out this is no ordinary group. With one meeting, she's entangled in a web of misunderstandings and lies that lead to a series of petty crimes. The stickier her fingers become, the more guilt eats away till she cries foul and asks to be released. The only problem is once in the club, always in the club...

As Madison tries to unravel the ties that bind her, she must contend with her police detective mother who's suspicious of her odd behavior, and the cute boy who's investigating the case for the school newspaper. Will Madison be able to walk away unscathed? Or will the strings of her actions trap her forever?

Colors of Us

After months of therapy, Garrett Delko is still struggling to cope with his brother's suicide. The only time he finds peace is on the pitching mound and with a mysterious girl he's been obsessed with since the first week of college. One night, he sees her jumping off a bridge and it leads to an unexpected connection neither can deny. Garrett resolves to stay away, but as their paths intersect, he wonders if she's the answer he's looking for.

Arianne Zhang is no one's magic remedy. She has her own troubles and doesn't need an adorable baseball player messing up her hard-earned anonymity. However, as they confide in each other, she begins falling for him. Then Arianne's secrets are exposed, and both must face tough choices. Can they find the strength to let go of their insecurities to help each other? Or will the colors of their past blind them to the truth?

Some Girl

(Short story)

All it takes is one night to change your life.

It's the Little Things

Twenty-two year old Grace McCaffrey is humiliated when she can't find a job after graduating from college and has to move back in with her parents. She assumed she'd do something big with her life--create change or do something that matters--not work at Banner Market as a cashier.

Unfortunately, Grace gets roped into being a chaperone for a high school backpacking trip with her ex-boyfriend, Miles Dalby. However, she quickly learns these students are part of a mentorship program for troubled youth. As she tries to get them to open up, Grace starts to doubt herself. How can she make a difference in the world if she can't even help these students? Or is her mom right and sometimes it's the little things that can make all the difference?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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