Chapter 11

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The next day I woke up with Jorge, Jacob, and Josh sleeping in the living room with me. I got up and went to go take a shower, and get dressed into some jeans and a pink hoodie with a rose on the corner.

Jorge was the first one up and asked, "If you don't cook, would you like me to cook you something."

"If you would like to." I said putting on my shoes and smiling up at him.

"Ok then." Jorge started cooking.

Josh then woke up when he smelt all the foods and said, "Jorge you never cook for us."

"Well I'm not cooking for you but for the lady." Jorge said smiling at me.

I smiled back and Josh just grumbled and went to the bathroom. Jacob wasn't up yet when we ate breakfasts but I told them I have work so I told them to leave whenever they wanted and I well just left duh.

During the day there were people who would glare at them and I heard people talking about me being a whore to get the Franklin's. I knew they were talking about Jorge, Jacob, and Josh. I ignored but it was going to get on my nerves at some point and I just knew it. The rest of the day I blocked out others people words but the constumers who were actually here to order.

I eventually finished my day, and was exausted from people quistioning me how I got close the three brothers, which did bother me a bit because I knew they thought I did something like act like a whore to get them. In my opinion, no one should change who they are for someone else, if they don't like who you are they aren't worth trying for.

Once I got to my house, they were still there. I was confused.

"Uhh what are you guys still doing here?" I asked confused.

"We want to stay again, we promise we'll leave tomorow, pleassssssee." Josh said in a pleading way.

"Ok but no one can see us come out of the place together, I dont need people confirming there thoughts on me being a whore." I said looking at them.

"Uhh what?" Jorge asked confused.

"Nothing." I said walking into my room and locking the door.

I changed into my PJ's and started studing for my college things. Thats when I heard a knock at the door. I stood up and opened it duh.

"Hey, watcha doing?" Josh said looking into my room.

I didn't have to read his mind to know what he was thinking so I said, "I was watching you know." I said winking at him.

"Really?" he asked excited.

"No, can I help you with something though?" I asked looking at him.

"No I just wanted to know if you were fine?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked confused.

"Oh, its just you've been locked in the room for the whole day after getting out of work." Jorge said walking up to the door.

"Oh yeah, sorry its just I was studying for the college I'm attending and well I wasn't keeping tract of time." I said awkwardly.

"Oh makes since, but why are you going to college so early." Josh asked.

"Well I want to really leave the town I live in and getting in early start in studies is the best way." I said.

"What are you studing?" Jacob asked.

"Business." I said.

"Oh cool, we are too. We could start a business together." Jorge said.

"Yeah, unless you willing to move to the state oppisite from this one." I said.

"Why though?" Jacob asked.

"Well I haven't really lived anywhere else, my adoptive parents were the regular business people who traveled but likes to have a place called home." I said smiling at them, "And well I never really liked it here knowing my mom was killed a few miles away from the house I grew up in."

"Oh, I'm very sorry." Jorge said, while the others nodded.

"It's fine." I said walking out to get some water.

They went to go sit on the couch to watch TV, I watched the weather outside and well it was raining. I stood there staring outside, making everything around me disapear except the weather outside. I was snapped out of my zone when I heard a knock at the door.

I opened the door, "Seth what the hell are you doing here?" I asked annoyed.

"Is this why you don't want me, because you're playing whore around with vampires?" Seth asked angrily.

"What??" I asked confused and shocked.

Thats when Seth pushed me into the door making something hit my waiste. Though Seth started yelling at them, telling them to get the hell out and yeah. I was so angry the fact that he just made me go through pain and I yelled at him and through a bolt of lightning out of my hands sending him out of the window.

Jorge and his brothers looked shocked and I said, "Lets stay at you place, dont worry I'll use something to hide us."

They just nodded, I was so furious at the fact he actually thought I was whoring around. Now he better take that as a warning because next time it won't be a just pain but death for him.

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