~Chapter 1~

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     I've felt broken and the satisfaction of being rebuilt. I've felt the treacherous pain and Imaginable defeat of your words. But I could never walk away, I've felt the complete disgust of suffering in silence. Yet never the chilling relief to speak.
     I was never able to release my sorrows and be free. I was never able to escape you. I always found myself broken and allowed myself to believe you had the missing piece.

Was it punches?
Was it dark bruises?
Was it shameful words on my appearance?
What was it?
      I never truly understood why. Why did you keep me under your wing? Happy one minute, then  a deep knife thrown to pierce me in the chest and drain me of emotion the next.
Was that your plan?
Was it fun?
     I hurt and broke down near to every night due to the dreadful pain you provided me. I woke up miserable, yet continued to keep walking. I understood that road to ending this chapter was simple, but was never easy to get too.
     That night was supposed to be the end of It, I took my beautiful seedling and packed her cozy, grabbed a few bags, and walked quietly away from the long suffering apartment I've shared, and I was done and regret only one thing... not being quieter. I tried to keep quiet and travel lightly. So no suspicion would arise of my whereabouts, I just wanted to leave!

      I waited till he was fast asleep, even then I waited for what felt like another hour just to be safe I wanted it to be a quick grab and go. I swiftly and carefully exited the bed. Moving slowly and quiet so he wouldn't awaken from his cold slumber. Once out of the bed I quickly whisked away to my seedlings room, closing her door so the sound of talking would muffle by the time it hit him.

    "Hello Daisy, wake up my little flower" I spoke quietly yet reassuringly to keep her calm and quiet.

     'M-mommy wh-what's going o-on?" I quickly shushed her to keep him from hearing us. Odd enough every time she spoke it always seemed to make my eyes well with large pools of emotion.
     My poor flower tainted by such a malicious man, he is the cause of her poor aphasia.  "Shh my little flower we have to stay quiet. We don't want unwelcome guests to awaken."
She nodded her head In agreement, I helped her quietly out of bed and into suitable clothes to escape this indescribable defeat of a home.

     As I pack her bag I heard a loud rumbling coming from the hall, I quickly threw her bag into the corner and darted for the bed, I whipped her towards me. I shot her a look to keep quiet and kissed her softly on the head. I bring her closer and pull the blanket over the two of us to make it seem as if we have been sleeping, I look down and take in her beauty, hoping it is not the last time I see her, memorizing every detail down to her  long black hair falling softly beside her, her beautiful rosey cheeks pressed against my chest and arm, her big brown pools of honey for eyes looking up at me for comfort, I whisper softly in her little elf sized ear. "It's okay my flower you're okay, I love..." I was quickly cut off to the sudden surprise of him at the door.

     "What!" I gave him a stern voice acting menacing even though on the inside I was frightened to my core. Unaware of my near future, all I could do was put on a stern face and keep my foot firm on the ground this time.
But for some reason I had the feeling I wasn't going to get out of this situation easily as I've done in the past.

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