\\Chapter 4\\

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      A few hours passed and the deafening roar of sirens bustled down the street. As the alleyway lights up, red and blue lights glisten against the blood of my family.

   As they rushed to the scene I laid there watching the detectives and patrols come and secure the scene before the forensics show up. I'd be lying if I said I didn't try and fight off whoever came to help me.

    I didn't want anyone to take me away from them, I wanted to stay with them.
"Please don't make me leave!" I screamed at them, I curled my self into a ball and sobbed softly till I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hello love can you follow me, I'm with the police." He spoke kindly with a soft tone, I'm guessing to keep me calm. His accent made me ease into him and allowed myself to listen.

I looked up and it was a man, he spoke softly and smiled genuinely towards me. His dark brown colored hair curled to a soft point leaning towards his forehead, his jawline nicely chiseled as his facial hair trimmed to fit perfection, his huge burnt sienna pools for eyes easing my anxiety allowing me to let my guard fall slightly.

"Now darling, what's your name?" He spoke with what felt like a genuine concern for me.

"I-I'm Juliette" I spoke softly as I watched him observe me looking at the paramedics lifting the pieces of my family into a body bag and onto a stretcher. I didn't care anymore at this point I watched him continue to observe me as my eyes dried up and my face go still.

I felt my heart break yet ease quiet quickly.
"Juliette? Hello? I need you to proceed with me ." He spoke to me pulling me away from my spot where I was stuck quite firmly. I didn't want to move I didn't want to leave them but as I can see I didn't have much of a choice.

I got up and looked up at the man and couldn't help but fall into him and sob finding comfort in him sobbing into his arms.
" what will I do now? M-my family I-is gone"
I sobbed harder as I felt his hand land on my back swirling counterclockwise to ease the pain I felt.

"It's okay darling, I'm here for you." And with those words I couldn't help but wonder if it were actually true?

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