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[dr flug]

After a couple of weeks of me being on bed rest Blackhat  lets me go back to my lab, now that Im walking again I need to get back to work.

We seem to get on better than we use to. Hes still controling and All that, He can be a bit times, I'm not too sure why, but there's just something about him being nice to me thats...odd.

I sit down at my desk taking the bag off my head reading through my notes trying to figure out where I've gone wrong with the formula.

There has to be something wrong with it, it doesn't add up, and if I'm even a mark off with the measurements, it could cause the opposite affect of the potion.

Instead of it disabling your enemies it would give them an adrenaline rush, or in other words, super strength.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, scaring the shit out of me. I swing around to see Blackhat. "Careful, you almost knocked your cup of the desk" he says.

"S-sorry, I didn't see you come in" I say still a bit shocked".I say chuckling." What are you working on anyway, I Haven't given you any new requests" he asks me.

I turn around picking up a book of torn old messy notes  and turn back to him.

"I-I'm working on upgrades for the disablizer" I say looking through my notes pulling out some blueprints and giving them to him.

"Are those your notes?" He says pointing at the book. "O-oh Yeah, it's messy a-and my writings terrible but it helps k-keep me on track" I say looking at  the black messy notebook.

" so what's wrong with it? You seem frustrated" he says.

"Well  I can't figure out where my measurements are off, I've redone it countless times but I always end up 2 marks off, and adding in those 2 marks anywhere else would effect the capability of the gun-" I Stop, him starring at me silently.

By now he would have told me to shut up, thinking about it, why is he even asking on the first place?

"S-sir are you okay? Y-your staring at me..." I say shyly playing with my Hands.

"YES OF COURSE IM FINE!" He  shouts leaving the lab hurriedly, I swear he was blushing.


After not seeing dr.flug for the rest of the day I decide to check up on him, I walk to the lab opening the door, the light form the doorway shines into the room showing flug with his arms folded on the table and his head down asleep.

He should really go to bed more, it's freezing on here. I walk quietly over to him jacking my coat off and putting it over him, kissing the back of his neck and leaving shutting the door behind me.

[Dr flug]

I sit with my head frozen to my desk, blushing madly. did Blackhat just kiss me? And more importantly, why did I like it?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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