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Alexander-  He dated Vanessa and Olivia and Samantha its a long story that will come up later. The girls dont really like him at all there's a certain day every year that they chace him around. He also liked Vanessas cousin Veronica. He's part of the fuck boy group but not for long. Nick name is roach.

Olivia- Is close to Vannessa and Lucy but way closer to Alexis. Used to date Alexander, Hector and another boy "he's not relevant right now". Olivia and Alexis, Lucy and Vanessa have been bestfriends since kindergarten. Nick name is via. Also is short and is the youngest of the group.

Alexis- Is close to Vannessa and Lucy but way closer too Olivia.  She used to date Lorenzo and another irrelevant person and is dating someone else *might be part of the story idk yet*. Nick name is exis. Tall. Also isn't going to the same school anymore but is still part of the story.

Lucy- Lucy lives near Veronica but is closer to Vanessa. Her crush knows that she likes him. Also dated Lorenzo.Also likes to sleep alot and likes to sleep on Vanessa on school. Nick name is ucy because one day Vanessa said ucy instead of Lucy. Short.

Vanessa- is closer to Lucy and Veronica. She dated Alexander,Max, and Logan. Still not over max . nick name is nessa. Tall ish. Very sad sometimes. Has problems at home. Cousins with Veronica. HATES Samanthas guts. Gets tired of Veronicas shit easly. Kinda rich doesn't like it when she gets called it.

Samantha- used to be part of the friend group untill Vanessa found things out about Samantha and Alexander. Has the same birthday as Vanessa. Doesn't like being irrelevant. (Which she is) Wants everyone to be her friend. Nick name is Sammy (like the fish)

Veronica- close to Vanessa. Dated Justin and can't get over him even tho she wont admit it. Act's like she a thot but we all know its mostly Vanessa with all that shit. Tall ish. Is pretty rich. Gets scared really easly. Also dated Hector to get the leader mad. ( might be in story idk) nick name is ronie

Hector- is the boy bsf of all of them exept Samantha. Friends with Lorenzo,Max, and Alexander, and the rest of the fuck boys. Is sometimes nice to the girls. Dated 3 girls in 6th grade. Nick name el bsf. Short.

Lorenzo- dated Alexis and one of hectors ex's and Lucy. Friends with the girls exept Samantha. Friends with Hector and Alexander. Is very very goofy. Makes the girls day when down. Tall. Nick name end zone the girls picked it out.

Max- going into 8th grade. Was a big part of Vanessas life when she was younger. Moved on from her tho. Are friends still supposedly.

Leslie- going to 5th grade Vanessas cousin on moms side. Has the same bus stop as Vanessa. Les is her Nick name.

Logan- dated Vanessa and Veronica ignored Vanessa. Is best friends with Justin. Takes Alexander's spot in the group. Tall. Cute. Nick name bunny bc play boy bunny.

Justin- dated Veronica is very popular. Bestfriends with Logan they both rule the fb squad together. Knows everyone at our school. Nick name play boy.

Madison- is Logan's play daughter is nice ish she knew Vanessa before this year because of Logan and Vanessas history has alot of friends might become close to the girls who knows.

More characters will be added to this page as i go along so you might want to remember that.

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