hold on...

4 0 0

While were walking we hear someone or a few people behind us...

Vanessa: shhhh yall be quite someone is coming

Samantha and Alexander is walking down the hallway me and the other girls hide but we can see and they can't see us.

Samantha: you know i really love you right

Alexander: * sounding like he's looking for someone and not paying attention* uh huh

Samantha: do you love me

Alexander: mhm *looking around*

Samantha: kiss me then * gets closer to Alexander and kisses him*

Alexander: *pushes her away*  WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING

Samantha: you said you loved me

Alexander: you know i love Vanessa more than you so why would you even try me

Samantha: i feel like you're just using me to get her mad

Alexander: oh well idc what you think so back the fuck off and were over

Alexander leaves and heads to the gym

Samantha just stands there and mutters something

Samantha: ugh i just hate that everyone likes her more than me

She leaves



Veronica: definitely not Alexander hes just ugh

Olivia: well i mean yeah

Vanessa: here's the thing if Max does want me back i will say yes without a doubt

Lucy: awl mi fighting budy finna be taken

Vanessa: *blushes* anyway let's just go

Innercom: EVERYONE WERE CHANGING YOUR SCHEDULE SO *blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah*

*Vanessa pov*

My new schedule
1 Soc St Pap
2 Med Detectiv
3 Sci 7 Pap
4 Ark History
5 Math 7 Accel
6 Span 1
7 Drama
8 Eng 7 GT

Since gym was my 6th period and that class was over with i had to go to Drama as im walking i see via

Vanessa: MOUSE


Vanessa: what class you got rn

Oliva: Drama

Vanessa: meee toooooo

Both: YAY

We walk in i go and hug ms carson and then so does via

I see that some of my other friends are in this class


the rest of the class people were targeting her and making false clames to her.

Ik this is hella hella short but this was a pt2 to the other thing sooo like yeah also ima make the story as some of it kinda happens ish but with my mind also

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