Vics Bar

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Gerards POV:
I could not believe this. I was destroying my best friends life. Sighing I went to the only place I could think of; Vics Bar.
Ever since we'd built up this community for privacy, Vic has ran the bar. It was small, cosy and everybody loved it.

I entered the bar and sat on one of the stools.
"Martini sir?" Vic asked.
"Shaken, not stirred." I replied in a sullen tone.
"What's up?" Vic asked, giving me my drink.
"I've done some stuff." I admitted.
"Like what?" He asked.
"Just some stuff I ain't proud of." I said.
I finished my drink then decided to go see Frank.

I pulled up outside the Iero house, seeing Jamia's car wasn't there.
Franks was.

I knocked on the door and Frank opened it.
His eyes were rimmed red and his hair was a greasy mess.
"Oh Frank." I said, pulling him into a hug.
"What?" He asked. Then he sighed "Look Gerard I'm not doing drugs." He said.
"Yes you are Frank!" I screamed in his face.
"How would you know anyway?!" He yelled back.
"Because." I started. Then I stopped myself.
"Because what?" He whispered.
"I know people okay? I know you've been getting it off a guy called Ronnie." I said.
"What?!" He asked. "Who told you!? I was promised nobody would tell! I'm going down to their boss first thing." He said.
My eyes popped.
"Frank, no it doesn't matter. I-I won't tell!" I rushed.
"No, this can't get out." He said. "I'll go now." He said firmly. I started to panic.
"Frank wait!" I said.
"What?" He asked.
I did what any logical persons would do.
I forcefully pulled Frank into me and made out fiercely with him so he wouldn't go down to a drug shack and try to talk to the boss AKA ME!!!

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