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When I woke up, Matt's head was hanging off the side of the bed, and his legs were hanging off the opposite end.

I snorted a little at him before swinging my legs over the side to get up for the morning pee. The hotel room had wooden floors, but the bathroom was tile, so I put towel down to avoid it.

One of the towels was dabbed in blood, and since it wasn't like that yesterday, it must've been last night when Matt yelped. The only logical reasons were either a man-period or a nose bleed. I mean, it's not like he cuts. He's just clumsy.

I wanted to know what was going on though. Was Matt gay or something? Did he have some disorder?

He never told me anything anymore. I mean, yeah, I didn't really talk to him anymore and, sure, I was kind of trying to get rid of him, but weren't we still friends?

I was tired, but I had to go to sleep earlier tonight anyways. We had Magcon tomorrow, but we had come a few days early to enjoy Dallas a little more than the inside of a room.

I put on some actual clothes over my boxers, left Matt and the room, and walked the stairs down to the lobby, where mostly everyone was, except for the late sleepers like Cam.

They were sitting around a couple of tables put together in the breakfast area, conversing and whatnot. I set my phone down on a chair next to blonde Jack and went to make myself a waffle.

When it was cooked and tan, I dumped butter on each section and drizzled syrup over the indents.

"Mornin'," I said, sitting down in my chair.

"Hey," everyone replied at different times.

"Where's Matt?" Shawn asked.

"Sleeping," I said.

"I'm gonna bring him some food," said Shawn, getting up with the rest of his food and then some.

"Gay," Nash muttered when Shawn walked off.

"God I know, right?" I agreed under my breath.

To my right, I saw Jack was looking at the other Jack. However, when I looked suspiciously at them, they pulled out their phones and started playing on them.

I dropped my stare after a moment.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked everyone, cutting the silence.

"Well, I got an idea last night to take Matt out," Taylor piped in. We looked at him expectantly.

"I was thinking that maybe we could say that he's been sexually harassing Carter since they room together or been doing drugs or something."

"But how would we prove he's been doing drugs? Or harassing Carter?" Nash questioned.

"Just an idea. But I don't know, we could give him a drink with something in it. Or just have pictures of him drinking underage," Taylor suggested.

"I think that's the easiest one," I said.

"Okay," Nash started, "tonight we'll invite him to play truth or dare, and we'll all drink a little so he will, too, and then eventually just ask him to drink a lot more, and take pictures and send them to Bart. Simple enough."

"In the meantime, however," Gilinsky spoke up, "what are we doing?"

"I heard there was an amusement park around, something like Old Dakota. I don't know. It's not Dakota, but it starts with a 'D'," Johnson contributed.

"Sounds fun," I said.

"I'm up for it," said Taylor.

"Okay, let me just grab Cam and something for him to eat and we can go," Nash said.

We all split apart, heading back to our own rooms. I checked my pockets for my room key, but it seemed I'd forgotten it, so I'd have to ask Matt to open it for me.

Well, I didn't need to, because the door was already open.

"You have to eat something," pleaded Shawn from inside.

"I told you: I'm not hungry!" a weaker voice yelled back. Matthew.

"Just eat a quarter of this and I'll be satisfied."

"Fine," Matt complied, and then there wasn't any conversation for a few moments as Matt probably shoved 1/4 of a waffle down his throat.

"Happy?" he retorted.

"Yes. Now, we're going out, so get changed."

"Where to?"


"Oh, okay! Out you go!" Matt happily said. I moved away from the door just as Matt was pushing Shawn out of it.

"Oh, hey, Carter," Shawn said awkwardly.

"Shawn," I acknowledged.

He walked past me to his room, allowing me to step inside.

In the room, Matt was just finishing pulling a plain white shirt over his skinny stomach, but he still didn't have pants on besides his boxers.

"Hey, Carter," he said cheerfully, starting the conversation for the first time this trip.

"Hey," I replied awkwardly. "You feeling okay?" I hadn't seen him so happy.

"Better," he replied, nodding.

"Better?" I asked. "Were you sick?"

"Never mind," he said, looking away.

"Fine," I huffed. "The guys and I are going out." I grabbed my room key and phone and left the room, walking to Cam and Nash's room.

"We can't let them know," Nash said from inside.

"Let us know what?" I asked, opening the door fully.

"Our Halloween costumes," Cameron replied without hesitation.

"You know it's not even near October, right?" I eyed them suspiciously.

"They're really good, though. We can tell you if you want," Cameron offered.

"Enlighten me."

"We have these sandwich costumes and we're gonna 'sandwich' people. I was thinking of having a sort of meet-and-greet and taking pictures with people."

"Oh, that's actually a really good idea," I approved. "So, we ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'll text everyone to meet in the lobby in two," Nash said.

"Ok. I'll wait down there. Hurry up," I said, walking out of their room.

I sat down in the lobby a minute or so later, waiting for the guys to catch up. When they finally all arrived, everyone but Shawn and Matt, who left as I waited, we hopped in two separate taxis and left to the suburbs, where the amusement park, Old Delaware, was located.

I saw Matt and Shawn walking together and laughing, and admittedly, I felt guilty.


I wanted to get Carter's chapter out of the way, because Matt's next two chapters have something that's really big.

Can't wait to show them to you guys!

And I think I have a pattern set: Matt, Matt, someone other than Matt or Carter, and then Carter, Carter. That's how it should normally be set.

Should I tell you my Twitter? And for this account or my personal because I use my personal most.

Anyways, message me! I love talking to other people, ahah.

Peace out, Girl Scouts. 🌚✌️

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