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I woke up to the sound of my alarm and went out to the kitchen to eat some cereal. I swirled the cereal around with my spoon and sighed. I did not want to go to school. After breakfast, I got ready for school. I put on a black striped shirt and a pair of jeans. I wore black converse and kept my hair down. As 7:00 approached, I went outside to wait for Steve. After a few minutes, Steve arrived. "Hey, dingus!" I said as I got in his car.

"Good morning, Robin."

"So before I start to meet people, who should I stay away from?"

"Billy. Try not to be involved with him in any way. Most girls are mistaken because he's a good looking dude, but he's not a person you want to be with."

"Don't worry, that won't be a problem."

Steve smiled, "good."

I smiled back at him and stared off to the the side. After about ten minutes, we arrived at school. I got out of Steve's car and sighed, "well, I guess I hope to see you in one of my classes."

"Me too, good luck."

I headed into school and went to my locker. When I opened my locker, two notes fell out. One said:
Get out of here while you can. They will destroy you.
The second note said:
I love you, Emily

Was the first note meant for me? And who is Emily? Was she the former owner of this locker? As I looked at the note, a boy walked up to me.

"Hey, you must be new here. I'm Jonathan."

"I'm Robin."

"What class do you have?"

"I have English."

"Me too."

"Hey, Jonathan, do you know who used to have this locker?"

"Yeah, her name was Emily. She left because of Billy and his friends. They bullied her because she was found kissing a girl."

"Oh," my stress about this school just increased a lot more than before.

"Hey, who's this?" A girl asked as she walked up to Jonathan and put her arm around him. She had long brown hair and wore a striped sweater and jeans.

"Nancy," Jonathan said, "this is Robin." She smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you," Nancy told me.

"Nice to meet you too, Nancy."

The five minute bell rang and Nancy and Jonathan said their goodbyes, then went their separate ways.

"So, is that the girlfriend?" I asked. Jonathan scratched the back of his neck and smiled.


"Well good for you, she seems really nice."

"So have you met anyone else at this school yet?"

"Yeah, Steve. We work together at an ice cream shop at the mall."

"Steve Harrington? You might want to be careful, he's got a tendency to move on from girl to girl very quickly."

"Hmm, that's something he forgot to tell me."


At lunch, I searched around the cafeteria and finally found Steve.

"Hey, dingus."

"Hey, how was your day so far?"

"It's going okay. I met Jonathan and Nancy, they're super nice. I think we'll get along good. But they did tell me something interesting about you and how you made your way around with the girls."

"Look, Robin, in the past I was a douchebag. But I have changed, I promise."

I nodded, "okay. So why aren't the girls all over you anymore?"

"Billy. He has the whole school wrapped around his fingers."

"So what do you know about the Emily girl that used to have my locker?"

"She used to run this school until she was found kissing a girl. Nobody is quite sure who she kissed, though. There was a rumor that it was—"


"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"When I opened my locker this morning, two notes fell out." I took the two notes out from my pocket and handed them to him.

"Woah, I guess the rumors were true."

"Yeah, but what do you think about the other note?"

"It's probably because of Billy and his friends, they were really rude to her."

"Didn't anyone try to help her?"

"She was the school freak, no one wanted to be seen with her."

"Just because she was gay?"

"Yeah, but you won't have to worry about that. And if it makes you feel better, I didn't think she was a freak."

"Yeah, I guess."
At the end of the school day, I was at my locker when I saw a familiar red haired girl.

"Hey Red."

"Robin, I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk to you all day. I've just been catching up with everyone."

"Don't worry, I get it."

"Are we still on for a movie tomorrow?"

"Of course."

Danielle smiled, "great, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Me too," I smiled, "I gotta go to work, I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya!"

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