Not the Test I Wanted to Ace

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I kept looking down at the blue and white stick in my hands because there was no way it could say that. It just needed a little more time to process so the results can be correct. That's what I had been telling myself for 15 minutes and the damn stick still did not change.


I was clearly in denial. I mean I was on birth control and took that shit religiously and Devante didn't come anywhere near me if he didn't have a condom on. So how in the hell did I get pregnant? I was supposed to be in the 99% effective rate, not the 1%.

"Baby? You okay?"

Oh, shit I had to tell Devante that his ass was going to be a father.

I took a deep breath before I stood up. I had to do it now or I would lose my nerve. Usually being a little bitch was not my cup of tea but there's something about a positive pregnancy test that changes your perspective. Like having to tell your boyfriend that a bun is in the oven when the two of you have never discussed having kids.

I opened the door to come face to face with Devante. His usual boyish grin was replaced with worry. Well here goes nothing. "I'm pregnant."

"Is it mine?"

Had this nigga lost his fucking mind? Did he really ask me that? My ass had to have been hallucinating, it was the only way this could be explained. The entire four years I was with this negro, I only slept with one person. Him.

I couldn't stop myself from lashing out. "Nigga are you dumb? Who the fuck else's would it be?"

"I'm sorry baby," Devante apologized. He put his hands around my waist, and I rolled my eyes. "I didn't mean it. I'm just surprised. So, what are you gonna do?"

I put my arms around his neck. I could never stay mad at him and he knew it. "I am going to work. Now that a baby is on the way, I definitely need to start preparing financially." I kissed his soft lips before pulling away with a giggle. His hands had fallen to my ass and he kept squeezing it. "Love you."

He let go of me, but still landed a slap to my cheeks when I walked away. "Love you too baby."

I should have known something in the milk wasn't clean. My auntie has this saying, "If he's calling you by pet names, it's because he doesn't want to mix up your names." I should have listened to my auntie.

"Good morning Ms. Hughes, please have a seat."

Those are never good words to hear when HR calls you in first thing in the morning. I sat down in the hard-plastic chair opposite of Mrs. Morris's desk, crossing my leg over my knee. My hands laced together and rested on my knee as I waited for the inevitably bad news.

"I believe congratulations are in order," she told me, smiling widely. Judging by how it didn't reach her eyes, her smile was about as real as the body of a Kardashian.

I tried to match her smile, but I knew my face was betraying me. Damn my inability to have a poker face and hide my emotions. "Congratulations for what?"

"Your pregnancy of course!"

Any semblance of a smile dropped from my face and I was left with my mouth hanging slightly open. My ass just found out this morning and I haven't even been able to pick up a phone to call my doctor. How the hell does this bitch know? Was my apartment bugged?

She didn't even wait for me to respond before she launched into her speech. "We are so happy that you have decided to expand your family and of course we offer nothing but support. Of course, due to the high stress nature of your job, we thought it best to amend your position and hand your docket over to Wren. We would not want anything to negatively impact your health during this delicate period."

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