The Assistant is Cute, the CEO not so much

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It was officially my first day at Hankang and I am already about to murder someone. That someone in particular was Han Seungwoo. The office view was beautiful and my assistant was cute, but that means nothing if I can't have my daily dose of caffeine.

"If you want me on my A game then I need A game coffee," I growled at him. This asshole had the nerve to hide the coffee at the house and parade around his to go cup that was full of that brown goodness. I could take him. He's a tall former athlete, one shot to his knees and he would be down for the count. I just needed to aim it perfectly so I could catch the cup.

"The doctor said too much coffee isn't healthy for you," he reminded me.

"Too much coffee!"

"Any coffee is too much coffee," he told me. "You're not getting any and because I know you...Subin!"

My bright eyed assistant came in. "Yes sir?"

"Miss Hughes is to have no coffee under any circumstances," Seungwoo ordered and I felt my eye begin to twitch. "If you see her with a hint of caffeine, take it away from her."

"Yes sir," he said.

"Good boy," Seungwoo told Subin before turning to me. "Have a good first day!"

"I hate you Han!" I called out after him as he exited my office.

"Love you too!"

When I got home, I was going to pour a whole bottle of milk of magnesia in his precious to go cup. He could go shit his brains out for the rest of the day for all I cared. Who did he think he was?

Subin still stood by the door. Maybe I could finesse something out of him. The kid was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I'm pretty sure his smile launched rainbows and he was best friends with unicorns. "I know Seungwoo just told you not to, but I am your boss..." Was I going to play the boss card even though it was a total dick move? Abso-fucking-lutely.

He bounced on the soles of his feet and pursed his lips, looking deep in thought for a few seconds. "Technically Seungwoo is your boss which makes him my boss's boss. Gotta listen to him." Goddammit Seungwoo where did you find this kid? "Sorry Miss Hughes, no coffee. Do you want me to bring the files from TRSHA?"

"Yes," I groaned, sinking down in my chair. Speaking of, I needed to get a new chair that is more ergonomic. That damn thing provided no lumbar support and if I was about to be supporting an extra 25 pounds on my front, my back needed to be supported. Let me make a note to talk to Subin about that later.

Subin came back with a box of folders and a little paper plate. I eyed the plate as he set it on my desk and the aroma of fresh sugary goodness filled my nostrils. A bear claw stared back at me, the glossy icing and slivered almonds beckoning me to just reach out and taste it. "This is all the paperwork we have on TRSHA, Hayoung has been working on them for a few months now. And this is a little pick me up."

I reached over and plucked a single almond from the pastry, popping it in my mouth. The slight bit of sugar shot tingles down my spine. "Kid," I said to Subin. "We are going to get along great."

I spent the entire day going through that box and reading over the files. I was engrossed in my work, it took someone knocking on my door for me to realize the sun was setting. Reading those tiny black words made my brain feel scrambled. I took my glasses off and rubbed away at the strain of my eyes.

"Working hard?" Seungwoo was smiling at me from the door and I already knew I was scowling at him. Don't think I forgot about lacing his stuff with laxatives. Deny me my coffee? I think not! Just because you want to smile your pretty smile at me doesn't mean I haven't forgotten your transgressions. "How was your first day?"

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