Allura's back baby!

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Hi guys! So I was not at all happy with the ending of Voltron so I decided to do my own twist on it! Also look at that picture, isn't it so cute! By the way pretend Pidge and Veronica grew their hair out. It's not significant right now but soon will be in a few chapters. Hope you enjoy!

Lances Pov:

Kieth, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Coran, and I all ran out of the castle to see all the lions roaring. There was a flash of light and a girl appeared. Wait, the girls Allura! She looked at us and started yelling.

"Who are you!?! Where am I!?! How did I get here!?!" She looked around and realized where she was and who she was yelling at. "Kieth, Hunk, Pidge, Coran, Shiro?" She whispered. She looked around and her eyes landed on me. "Lance!" She yelled running towards me. "Allura!" I yelled back running to her as well. We collided in a hug and kissed. I was in heaven. I had missed the feeling of her lips on mine. We sank to our knees still kissing. We finally broke apart but we're still hugging. 

"Lance is it really you?" She whispered into my shoulder. "I'm here Allura. You're alive and I couldn't be happier!" I whispered back stroking her hair. She looked at me with a worrisome face. "So you didn't move on? I would've thought that since I was dead you would easily forget me and move on." She looked at me on the verge of tears. I looked at her shocked. "I would never ever forget you! I love you and only you! You are the best thing that ever happened to me!" She looked at me with tears of joy flowing down her face. "I love you too Lance, forever more!" She cried kissing me again. 

We broke apart when we heard Pidge say "What are we? Burnt rubber?" She asked sarcastically. Allura looked up and noticed the rest of the paladins and Coran. She ran to them dragging me along and engulfed us all in a big group hug. "I missed you so much paladins!" She cried into the group hug. "We missed you too Allura. We missed you too." Shiro answered crying just like the rest of us. 

We all pulled away and walked back to the castle. Me and Allura hand in hand. When we got there we all parted separate ways and Allura came with me to my room. We got to the room and sat on my bed. 

"Sooooo, Allura how did you get back?" I asked cuddling with her. "Well I'm not sure." She asked confused before she gasped covering her mouth. "I remember! One minute Lotor was trying to kiss me and the next-" "Whoa whoa whoa, back the train up. Lotor tried to kiss you!" I exclaimed outraged that Lotor would dare try to kiss my princess! Allura reaches up and gently pecked my lips. "Lance relax! I love you! Not Lotor! He tried to kiss me when I had told him several times that I loved you! Now,  let me finish what I was saying. So I was whisked to a panel with three judges in front of it. They told me that I was getting a second chance at life because I had sacrificed myself for the good of ALL reality's. They waved there hand and I was standing in Altea!" 

I looked at her as realization dawned on my face. "Ohhhhhhhhh. That's how you got here!" I said kissing her forehead. "Yes now Lance we had better get to sleep before we pass out. Goodnight Lance, I love you." She said snuggling up to me and closing her eyes. "Goodnight Allura, I love you too." I said holding her closer to me and closing my eyes. Life was finally perfect Allura was back and my heart was complete.

Hi! That's my first chapter and I think that was pretty good! What do you think? Comment down below! Also this is the position they were sleeping in.

Hi! That's my first chapter and I think that was pretty good! What do you think? Comment down below! Also this is the position they were sleeping in

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Pretend the headphones, mice, and eye mask aren't there. Hope you enjoyed and peace out!

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