Part 3

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Bam! Zara woke with a start. Bam BAM! Jumping off her bed, she looked at where the noise was coming from. Her door was splintering with each sound of something heavy hitting it. Zara heard her father on the other side of the door. "Honey, you need to stop this!" "No! She is attached to a demon! She must die!" screamed her mother. Zara bit back the tears that were starting to form. This wasn't the first time her mother came after her. The first time that happened was the week after Cross showed up. She was only 8 years old. I was doing the dishes like my father had asked me too and then turn around to my mom swinging a wooden bat towards me. I remember my father holding me, barely breathing and bloody. Running to the car and not coming to Intel surgery was done. My mom had almost killed me and I didn't even know what I did.

CRACK! The door came apart and her mother came charging into the room swinging a hammer this time. Zara threw her arms up when her mother swung down against her left arm. "AAHH!" She felt her arm snap when it connected. Her father came running through tackling her mom to the ground. Zara pulled out her phone dialing 911 requested help. Not long after cops showed up to take her mother away again. Zara's father just stood there for a minute, staring at the door. "I'll have a new door installed by the time you get out of school." With that, he left her alone.

Zara felt her eyes burning. Why can't you look at me anymore? What did I do to deserve you to abandon me too? She knew her mom would be back by tonight and would have nothing to say, but hurtful things and her father would only try to make her mother happy. A pressure on her heart began to grow making it hard it hard to breathe. Dizziness soon followed and then blacking of her vision. Let me help you. Zara didn't remember if she responded. She just let her self fall to the darkness of her mind.

When she came to she was in a hospital bed, and her arm wrapped in a blue cast. She looked around seeing she was alone, then she remembered why she was there. mom attacked me again. She felt her eyes burn once more, she considered letting herself cry but, quickly banished the thought. "Cross. You there?" He appeared sitting in the guest chair that was next to her bed. "What happened?"  You mean you don't know? Letting out an annoyed sigh, Zara glared at him. "I blacked out in the room after dad left me with my thoughts again like always." Cross just stared at her. Zara finally spoke after a minute. "so if you didn't take over, was I sleepwalking or?"  He shrugged, More like a state of numb and just going through the motions. She nodded.

"Zara I see you are awake." She turned to the door and saw her family's old friend named officer Ray. She saw her father was right behind him. Ray put on a small smile. "Hey how are you feeling?" numb, uncaring. "I'm fine" "Well that is good, but we need to talk about the situation with your mother." "No, she isn't old enough to understand." her father came in closing the door behind him. "I know what is best for my child, Ray." Zara felt a hot sharp pain run threw her, her eyes burned with tears of frustration.  "You going to let him tell you what you can or can't know?" She jumped at the new voice in her head. Cross's voice wasn't dark and full of malice as this voice. Cross noticed the look of fear that was on her face. Zara, what's wrong?  Suddenly she fell to her knees her chest started hurting like crazy, she couldn't breathe. Her father rushed to her side while Ray started shouting for a nurse, but she could barely hear them. She felt that her head had been submerged underwater. everything was fading from her vision as they lifted her back on the bed. They push her father and Ray out of them room. The last thing she remembered feeling the fire on her lungs when there was none.   

Beep. beep. be---. The sound of a flatlining heart monitor. It was ringing clear as day. Will somebody turn that off! Zara opened her eyes to the sight in front of her. 4 nurses were rushing around a hospital bed, one of them pulled back and she saw herself on the bed. She looked towards the door and saw her father in tears looking at her body on the bed. Ray holding on to his shoulder. "Why couldn't you do that when my eyes are open!!" She screamed at her father. Cross who was next to the bed spun around looking scared, turning between her body and her. Cross moved towards her when that dark voice cut through louder than last time."Why should you care? He has never cared for you, just the women who hurt you due to her own delusional mind!" The voice started laughing, a cruel and harsh laugh. Zara tried to cover her ears but the voice only seemed to get louder. 

Suddenly arms wrapped around her making her feel safe. "Zara, don't give up." She looked up and saw a boy about her age. His hair was black and he wore grey jeans and a black tank top with a blue jacket. "Clear!" Zara felt a slight pain on her chest. "Who are you?" Zara stared at the boy in front of her. "They will leave you alone, they always make you feel alone when they are with you."  "You need to go back to your body, Zara." The voice is what did it. "Cross, this is what you look like?" The voice started screaming, "COME WITH ME!" Zara's eyes started flowing with tears she was afraid. She felt the fear, climbing in her throat till she screamed. Cross wrapped his arms around her and moved her to her body. He came and said in her ear. "I will explain everything when you are calmed down. I promise." "Clear!"  Zara felt the pain course through her and the last thing she saw was a pair of red eyes glaring at her from the corner of the room.    


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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