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/lucy pov\

I ran charging towards zeref. Panting because we have been fighting for a week straight. No sleep. No food nothing. We were wore out.

I had wounds all over my body but as did he. My wings were torn and so was the human parts of my body.

We both were in bad shape but at no means were we gonna let the other win.


I charged at him

"Celestial dragon secret arts- cosmo shower!" A bunch of shining bright stars came down on him making him yell in excrutiating pain.

"Dark arrow piercing flame!" He shouted and a dark arrow came out and shot me in the stomache.

I coughed up a little blood.

I grabbed onto the arrow and yanked it out. Wincing at the process. I watched as blood pooled down my stomache.

The worst thing he could possibly do.

I growled feircly my insitincts taking over.

"Dark flame shot!" He shouted and black fire raged toward me.

I opened my mouth as anouther tattoo appeared on my body. A black dragon. Symbolizing a dark dragon.

I inhaled the magic and felt the darkness creep inside of my veins making me shiver. It spread through all of my body. Waging wars against the celestial magic.

I growled as my eyes turned black and so did my dragon like features.

"Dark celestial dragons secret art. Dark star shower!!" A hundred maybe thousand stars came shooting down at the area. Destroying zeref and his army.

I saw 3 people approach me.

I growled when they came within 15 feet of me.

Then they stopped.

"We are your foes here heartfilia. Dont forget that. We are almost ready to attack. Be prepared or you will just be a mere ant in our way" they said.

I showed my fangs and backed up ready to fight. When they disappeared.

I looked at all the dead bodys around me.


I heard a helicopter and looked up to see laxus and erza.

Erza held her hand out to me while i shakily took it.

As soon as i got on the helicopter i fell into a deep sleep. Letting the darkness take me.

/third person pov\

Erza was shocked.

"S-she took down a hundred thousand dark soldiers and zeref along with the dragon king?!" She exclaimed

"Yes" laxus said even though he was also suprised.

Not even they could defeat one of those dark soldiers.

They could only imagine what would happen if she was on the enemys side.

They would be doomed.

Erza sighed and watched lucy peacfully sleep.

Erza saw all her wounds and oatched them up.

Until she saw the tattoos.

"L-laxus look" she stuttered

When laxus looked he was equally shocked.

"She stole their magic.." Laxus said looking away.

"Shes stronger now.. The more magic of different kinds she absorbs. The more she can use.." He said.

"Wow" erza said wondering how she ever thought she had a chance of beating her.

Lucy groaned and winced. Erza looked at her and noticed her scales had changed color.

"Is that a affect?" Erza asked.

"Yes, sadly." Laxus said sympathetically.

"Oh" was all she could say.

Sorry its short but im trying to finish soon. Ok bai~

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