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A/N: Thank you so much for reading my Attack on Titan x Male Reader fic!

Hopefully the quality of the story will be ok, since it's my first fic and all I guess I can only improve.

Anyway, there is going to be a love interest at some point so it would be great if you guys could comment down below who you would like to see paired with the reader!


Certain areas of the Trost district had food shortages for as long as [First name] could remember, but it had only gotten worse as more refugees from Shiganshina arrived. 

[First name] and his family always had the luxury of being able to eat, It may only have been one piece of bread or a small portion of soup a day, but it was more than what many of the poorest families in Trost had.

However, now that a large chunk of the food supply had to be distributed to the refugees it became harder and harder for not only the [Last name] family, but their local community as a whole, to eat anything at all.

Those dark times stuck with him as he entered the 104th Training Corps.

[First name] swallowed hard as the large and intimidating instructor, Keith Shadis, began walking through the rows of cadets, keeping a close eye on anybody unfortunate enough to show any signs of weakness.

Eventually, he found somebody.

"Hey, kid!"

"Sir!" The blonde boy in question gave a salute as Shadis approached,

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Armin Arlert from Shiganshina, sir!"

"That so? A name fit for a retard! Did your parents call you that?"

"It was my Grandfather, sir!"

"Arlert, why are you here?"

"To help humanity overcome the titans, sir!"

"How very admirable! You will make first-rate titan feed!" He then grabbed Armin by the head, and forced him to face the other way, "Third squad! About face!"

When he was done, he began hunting for his next victim. He walked over to a [Hair length + colour] haired boy.

"And just who the hell are you?"

[First name] tried to fight the urge to tremble as he, too, gave a salute. "[F-First name] [Last name] from Trost, sir!"

"Something scaring you?" Shadis began to tower over the boy, looking down on him as if he was an ant. "Titans just love the smell of fear! Why are you here?"

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There was a very short pause before he replied, "T-To join the military police, and move my family into the interior..."

"Oh would you look at that," Shadis grabbed [First name] by the collar and lifted him off of the ground, "We have ourselves a mommy's boy!"

"S-Sir..." He struggled before the tall man unexpectedly dropped him to the floor.

"At least there will be one person who cares when you are devoured by titans! Now stand up!"

[First name] immediately got back up, regaining his composure and his breath. Once again, he had to muster the will to hide the fear in his eyes, before Shadis left him alone to go over the other cadets.

After all of that unpleasantness,  the [Eye colour] eyed soldier-to-be found himself in the mess hall, sat with a tall blonde guy called Reiner Braun, and a few others. The table was desperately trying to ignore the commotion surrounding the brunette from Shiganshina.

"S-So, [First name]..." Reiner began, "You seem very close with your family... Is that the only reason you joined the military?"

"Yeah," he began, "But more specifically for my mother..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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