chapter five

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Evanie had a penchant for being outspoken and unapologetic about her dislikes

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Evanie had a penchant for being outspoken and unapologetic about her dislikes. Her candidness was often perceived as an annoyance, but the truth was, she simply didn't care about what others thought.

Evanie's unfiltered honesty, particularly in expressing her dislikes, had earned her a reputation among those who knew her. Some found her candor refreshing, while others regarded it as irritation. It was a trait that defined her, a testament to her unwavering confidence and lack of concern for societal norms.

One of the many things Evanie detested was being abruptly halted and interrogated, particularly when she had a specific destination in mind. The interruption, more often than not, derailed her intended path and left her feeling frustrated and annoyed.

Two familiar figures blocked her path – Sirius Black and James Potter.

Evanie, with a tinge of annoyance in her voice, muttered through gritted teeth, "Look, I really need to go somewhere! Can't you see I'm in a hurry?"

James, having a place he needed to be himself, attempted to reason with her, indicating the late hour. He firmly asserted, "You should go back to your common room, it's late."

Evanie's retort came instantly. "Since when do you care about the rules?" she challenged, impatience evident in her foot-tapping and the irritation in her voice. She was prepared to threaten with her wand, feeling provoked.

"Scamander," Sirius said with a hint of frustration. "Look, I know you're into the whole creature thing but can you, just this once, drop your curiosity? Head back to your common room like a good girl, and—"

Evanie was quick to cut him off, raising her wand threateningly, her eyes narrowing in response to his condescending tone.

"What I do is none of your business!" Evanie retorted, her voice firm and defiant. "Just leave me alone and do whatever it is you two do."

James let out a weary sigh, while Sirius grumbled in frustration, matching her threatening stance.

"You don't understand the dangers out there!" Sirius yelled, his irritation growing by the moment.

"I don't care!" Evanie shot back, her voice rising in defiance. "You wouldn't understand."

"Neither would you!" Sirius retorted, his annoyance escalating. However, their argument was abruptly interrupted by the chilling sound of a howl, causing all three to freeze in their tracks.

All three of them let out curse words in unison, their expressions mirroring the same confusion. Evanie lowered her wand and clenched her teeth, declaring, "Screw this" before pushing past them and taking off in a run. The males were taken aback and instantly started pursuing her, their panic evident.

"Wait! Scamander!" James called out, his voice laced with concern. "You can't—!"

"For Merlin's sake, shut up!" Evanie yelled back, her pace unwavering as she continued to run ahead. The boys struggled to keep up with her, but she was too quick for them.

The boys recognized where she was heading, and it fueled them to push their bodies to their limits as they sought to catch up with her.

Evanie, hearing them closing in, cursed under her breath and gripped her wand. The forbidden forest lay just ahead, and she let loose a curse, determined to push forward.

Without thinking, she transformed before their eyes, leaving the boys stunned and unable to react in time.

Sirius and James stood frozen, their eyes wide in shock as they witnessed Evanie transform into a black puma. She stared back at them with a fierce growl, stopping them in their tracks. Once she was sure they had halted, she turned and dashed into the forest, ignoring their desperate calls for her to stop.

Evanie's mind was consumed with the need to find her brother. Frustrated with herself for not being there when he was transitioning, she felt a pang of anger. She had no idea how excruciating the process could be, but the sound of her brother's screams had been enough to communicate the magnitude of his suffering.

She ran deeper into the forest, her paws making barely a sound on the soft forest floor. The tall trees loomed over her, casting twisting shadows that danced with the evening light. Every sense was heightened in her animagus form, allowing her to catch the faintest sounds and scents that the average person would miss.

She moved with determination, her agile body weaving through the underbrush and leaping over fallen trees. The scent of her brother's transition clung to the air, guiding her forward. Somewhere deep in the forest, she knew he was near.

She arrived at the destination and found her brother almost fully transformed into his werewolf form. With quiet steps, she observed him, mentally preparing herself for the long night ahead. Her role now was to keep him distracted, ensuring no wild life within the forest fell victim to the curse of the full moon.

The air around them was still and silent, occasionally punctuated by the hooting of an owl. Her brother's transformation continued to progress, his form becoming more and more lupine. She moved closer, her presence a familiar comfort to him even in his beast-like state.

She settled down next to him, her gaze never leaving his evolving form, her body poised to intervene if necessary. She was there to ground him, to keep him connected to himself, amid the chaos of the transformation.

As the transformation reached completion, her brother's humanity faded away, and his werewolf instincts took control.

The chase began, and she ran before him, staying just within reach while maintaining her distance. She darted around trees and leaped over roots, her feline form agile and swift.

Her focus during her animagus process had been on finding a natural enemy to a dog. She had chosen a feline, and it seemed her theory had been correct. The werewolf saw her as prey, and the chase was underway.

She continued running, her body moving with a grace that seemed impossible, her eyes focused on him as she led him further and further into the forest. The night air brushed past her fur, and the sounds of their paws pounding on the forest floor echoed faintly.

Her form was nimble, quick, and agile, allowing her to weave through the trees effortlessly, always staying just out of reach. It was a dangerous dance, but she trusted her abilities to keep both of them alive through the night.

Every night, she recalled that one fateful moment that had led her to this point, the decision that had changed everything—the fact that it should have been her, not her brother, who carried the burden of the werewolf curse.

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