Finding You

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Kirra POV

"Thank you! Come back soon!"
I cheered to the customer leaving the bookstore where I worked.

Glancing at the tips jar beside the counter machine, I sighed. Will I be able to pay rent this month?

God, I need a better job. But it's never easy living on PL-64 where shape shifting aliens and humans live side by side and you're working as a bookstore clerk. Sometimes I wonder what's the point of a bookstore in the first place. It's not like people would need it in this sophisticated world.

Oh well, at least it's a job. I just have to find a way to make ends meet sometimes. Which is where my side job as a driver comes in. There's not much people who wants an unknown person to drive them to places, but in my state, every penny counts.

Putting the last book of a batch on a shelf, I glanced at the clock above and gasped.
He'll be done soon!!

"Deera! I'm gonna take a quick break!" I hissed to my co-worker, trying not to disturb the few readers we have, while I passed the counter where she was typing away something.

She looked up then, and showed a cheeky grin, "Going to see him again, aren't you?"

Feeling a blush coming, I tried to come with a witty comeback, "Oh, shut up!"

Yep, that's me. Smooth talker.

I heard the commotion before I actually saw it. Parked my car on the side of the street, I jumped out and ran into the commotion, just as I saw him emerge from a building.

"Mr. Hathaway! What was the meeting about today?"
"Mr. Hathaway! Some words please!"

Reporters' words drown out all around me as I watch him cut through the crowds helped by his best friend.
Ah... He's magnificent again today...
With his dark green hair framing his face while his bangs hover over his gold eyes that change into amber color occasionally, showing his other side which lurks within.

Duncan Hathaway, one of the native inhabitants of PL-64, and a famous one at that. They are famous creatures known from their ability to change shape into an animal of their choosing. Their physical appearance are the same as humans, but you can tell them apart by their color changing eyes. They change whenever their animal side comes to the surface.

"Mr. Hathaway! Is it true that you've found your mate?" That question caught my attention. I glanced at a reporter from a national channel before looking back at him. Heart hammering loudly, I couldn't hear anything else as I see Duncan stop to look at the reporter.

"She's out there, alright."

And just like that, I felt my world collapse from under me. Swallowing me whole to the darkness of heartbreak.

'Duncan POV'
Under the confines of my office, I prowl around, my beast side growing restless along with time.

She was there. Again. I can smell her.

My species has another famous thing. We mate for life. A one true love kind of thing. Even though the humans find it strange, it's the truth. We can recognize our mate by smell. And us, having our enhanced smell due to our animal side, can smell something a few miles away.

It's supposed to help me find her. But my mate seems to be content with hiding in the crowds and damn all to hell if I can't find her.

The door to my office opened and I snarled to whoever just came in.

Only to find Drake grinning like a fool.

There's this one person in everyone's life that you just hate and love at the same time and most of the time, they're happy when you're suffering. Drake's that person for me. We are related in every way but blood and I'd kill someone for him—although I'd never tell him that—but if he doesn't stop grinning I swear I'm going to kill him.

"Well, I see you're still moody. Geez, what got your panties in a twist?" Yep, definitely killing him.

"You got it yet?" I growled out. My mate is out there and I've got no time for chit chats. Not that Drake will understand that. He never takes anything seriously. Women are one of those things. But I'm tired of sleeping alone. Tired of having my house for myself. Need someone to fill my days with something.

"Yeah, I got it right here." I snapped my head up, snatched the CD out of Drake's hand, then immediately put it to play in the huge TV screen I put in my office just to search her. Ever since I recognized her smell in the crowd, I told my assistant to record the TV every time I'm in the news. Being famous is tiring, but it has its perks.

Grumbling about insensible best friends, I inserted the CD and pressed the play button. Only to pause it immediately when I see something familiar. Narrowing my eyes to the weirdly striking black beanie, I went to the shelves and started playing TV recordings by TV recordings, my smile getting wider with every recording I watch.

"Found you."

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