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Can someone hate and love something at the same time?

Cause that's what I'm feeling right now. Watching my brothers, twins at that, fight once again. They a funny duo. Adorable, if that. But if they can't shut up any minute now, I'm gonna be pissed.

"I told you! You can't maneuver like that! It reduces your aiming!"

"Can do! The enemies will miss me, and I'll get closer to stab them!"

"No! Just gimme the controller!"

"Like hell I'm gonna give you!"

I pinched my nose bridge. Just plug the other controller and play together already! What's the point of Dad buying two of those things if you don't even use it!

Is what I would've said, but I'm too stressed out right now. Being in a family of seven left little to nothing of privacy. Especially for the only girl around, me. Mom died giving birth to my last brother.

What I wouldn't do for something feminine right about now, this house has too much testosterone in its air!
"Alright you two, cut it out. Dinner time." I turned my head from the sofa to look at Dad, apron still on, holding two plates of roasted duck. Guess dinner is set.

"Sorry, Dad. I would've helped you if it weren't for this stupid assignment." I said apologetically. Dad shakes his head, "No need to be sorry. I know how important those things are to you."

God, I love him, "Thanks, Dad." I said, turning my head back to the papers in front of me and starting to pack it up for the night.

"So... any luck?" I heard Dad asking. I huffed a laugh, heading the the dining room to help him out, "There would be if the twins could just shut up for a good 5 minutes." I said a little loudly so the twins can hear me.

"Hey!" I looked down to see the twins frowning up at me. I shrugged, "What? It's the truth."

Just as they started to scream again, together this time, I see my own twin coming down the stairs and sigh, "Fell asleep again, twin?"

"Shut up. You fall asleep just as much." He answered groggily, rubbing his sleepy eye and making me smile. I open my lips to say something back, but something heavy fell into my shoulder.

"Lil sis!! How are you tonight?" I then realized that it's my oldest brother, rubbing his cheek to mine while hugging me by the neck.

"Fine as I'll ever be." I answered while pushing him away, "You're home early." I hadn't even heard the front door open.

"It's the monthly get together, no way we're gonna miss it." I heard my second oldest brother as he comes to view. My oldest brother nodded vigorously at what he said.

"Well, now that we're all here. Let's get started shall we?" Dad said happily. Even though he denies it every time anyone asked, I knew in a small part of his heart, he's afraid one of us might forget and leave him. I have lived with him long enough to know that.

And I know none of us will leave him any time soon.

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