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(Swipe for a song^^^)

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I opened my eyes and picked up my phone and checked the time


I groaned and turned my alarm off then sat my phone back on my nightstand

I yawned then got up and went to my closet to pick a outfit for school

No we don't have to wear uniforms but we do have a dress code but nobody ever follows them

My outfit went something like this:

My outfit went something like this:

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I then did my makeup

(Choose w.e make up you want)

After i was done getting ready i checked the time


I went downstairs and saw my mom making pancakes and saw my 1 year old sister half asleep in her chair with cheerios in front of her

I went and sat down at the table and went on my phone for a little bit waiting for breakfast to be done

"Oh hi honey, are you ready for school?"

I heard my mom ask

"Yeah mom"

i replied getting up and helping her set the table

"Where's dad? Is he up yet?"

I asked my mom while i sat 2 plates down on the table

"He left early for work dear"

she said cleaning up the cheerio mess my little sister made

I just nodded and started eating

《Time skips》

"I gotta go im gonna be late"

i said while putting my plate in the sink and kissing my mom on the head before i rushed out the door

I usually walk to school unless it's snowing or raining

My school is only a 5 minute walk from my house so im good.

I opened the doors of my school and walked inside

There were already guys staring but i ignored them

"Hey cutie"

"woahh check out that ass"

"hey mami you gonna let me hit that or what?"

It's like this mostly every single day. I just normally ignore all the cat calls and quickly walked to my locker

I unlocked it and put all my books in it except history since that was my first class in the morning

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