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Beep. Beep. Beep.


I woke up and looked at the time

I turned my alarm off like usuall but i just layed in bed just staring at the ceiling thinking

Thinking about what happened last night

Taehyung and Jennie probably broke up again and thats probably why he texted me.. well he doesn't know its me but still. I shook the thought out of my head and got up and started getting ready

 I shook the thought out of my head and got up and started getting ready

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You're outfit^^^ (change the shoes if you want)


You walking into school walking straight to your locker, you couldn't sleep last night by over thinking so you were dead tired but at least you had makeup to cover up the eye bags under your eyes.

The bell rang so you grabbed the stuff you needed and went to class, you didn't see Eve at all and she usually came to your locker every morning and it was weird cause she didn't this time, you shook the thought out of your mind thinking she probably just went to class early so you rushed to class.


6th period came around and you haven't seen Eve at all today, it made you curious considering she was in some of your classes.

You walked down the hall and as you were walking you passed by Taehyung and his friend Jungkook.

I was about to say something to him but something stopped me making me walk right passed him. I side eyed him and saw him staring at me with narrowed eyes, i smirked and kept walking.

Taehyung p.o.v

"Bro, i peeped Jimins twitter yesterday and he's still talking shit about you" i heard jungkook state

I sighed and leaned against my locker "He's all talk jungkook, he doesn't do shit when he see's me" i told him. And im 100% right everytime i see him he just stares at me and walks right pasts me.

"You right, it just amuses me how he talks hella shit ov-" he started, i hit his chest lightly and cut him off

"Yo yo chill Y\N's coming this way, act cool" i told him

As she walked past me she side eye'd me and smirked. This girl oh my gawd.

I eye'd her up and down admiring her curves as she walked away, she's an absolute goddess.

"Dude why don't you just talk to her? I mean you should since You and Jennie broke up" Jungkook said while chuckling "yeah i know, i will" i said while never taking my eyes off of her while she walked down the hall.

Y\N'S p.o.v

School ended and i was bouta walk out of school until someone called from behind me "Yo, Y\N wait up" i sighed in irritation. I knew exactly who it was, i turned around and saw Jimin jogging up to me "Where were you last night? I notice you weren't at my Party" he asked curiously

"Yeah, i just decided not to go" you shrugged while looking around hoping to see Eve.

"Why?" He asked. "Um something else just came up. Did you see Eve last night there?" I asked him curiously while still looking around for her.

"Eve? Your little friend that follows you around everywhere?" He asked. "Wha- forget it, did you see her?" I asked him a second time quickly, desperate for his answer.

"No i haven't but again i wasnt paying attention cause i had hella girls surrounding me" he chuckled remembering the events that happened last night.

I stared at him weirdly and nodded slowley "right, thanks anyways" i said turning around about to leave until he grabbed my wrist stopping me "Wait i was maybe wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight" He said with a flirty smile

This bitch.

i looked at him and was about to say something but he cut me off

"We could go wherever you want, i heard that new amusme-" i cut him off "Look Jimin i really don't feel like going out tonight" i said about to walk away again until he stopped me once more "Wait what abo-" he started until a new voice intervened

"Yo, did you not just hear her say she didn't want to?"

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