Anastasia Rolfe

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Anastasia woke to the birds chirping in her open window. She groaned and rolled over ,As she heared a chuckle come from the corner of the room. she looked up slightly and saw her mothers face smiling at her "morning lovely" her mother said through her smile. Anastasia loved her mother dearly.  Even thought they didn't have much money her mother always made life happy for Anastasia ,which wasn't hard considering she was seven. Anastasia was broken from her thoughts as the smell of porridge drifted past her nose. She jumped up from her bed on the floor and ran over to where her mother was cooking ,her mother spooned her out a bowl of porridge for both of them and they ate together in happy silence .

After breakfast Anastasia got dressed into a white dress with a brown out-jacket, that her mother had made for her birthday last year, it was her favourite out of the few dresses she owned.  

She'd been given a chore by her mother, she had to go into town and deliver some arrows to the guards tower, this was a usual chore for her considering her father was the town blacksmith, she grabbed her wicker basket from the shelf and ran into h...

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She'd been given a chore by her mother, she had to go into town and deliver some arrows to the guards tower, this was a usual chore for her considering her father was the town blacksmith, she grabbed her wicker basket from the shelf and ran into her fathers works shop. "I'm here to deliver some arrows father". Her father turned around with a beaming smile on his face  "There's my little delivery girl". He grabbed the arrows and piled them into her basket carefully ,covering them in a orange scarf "be careful  Anastasia, someone important is visiting town today so it will be busy". She nodded and kissed her fathers cheek before starting through the streets of town. 

Anastasia hated going through town, she hated seeing the homeless children that slept there. She felt so guilty that she couldn't help them but she kept her head down and eventually made it to the town square. Just as she did she saw a big crowd with a few of guards scattered around.  Ignoring the crowd she walked into the guard tower and shouted "DELIVERY".A kind faced man waked up to her "Thank you Anastasia ". He smiled and took the basket from her going and emptying it in another room . 

While Anastasia was waiting for the man to come back with her basket and pay she heard shouting coming from outside. She looked out the window to see a villager shouting at a young  girl in fancy clothing ,  the man grabbed the girl's arm and Anastasia ran outside to help "Hey!" Anastasia shouted. Catching the mans attention she ran in between them and then pulled the mans hand off the girl "Leave her alone she just a kid!" she said. The man looked at Anastasia shocked  "Don't talk to me like that girl!". He looked at the other girl disgusted "She is  Princess Elizabeth, her father keeps raising the taxes to pay for her fancy parties, I can barely feed my family with how high they are now ". Anastasia knew that everyone was struggling with the new taxes but the princess was just a young girl "she isn't to blame for any of that, her father is, don't take it out on her". The man sighed "Maybe he will understand our struggle if he lost his daughter" the man went to grab the Princesses arm. 

 Anastasia grabbed the princesses hand and  ran through the busy town soon hiding them in a small alley way

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 Anastasia grabbed the princesses hand and  ran through the busy town soon hiding them in a small alley way. "Are you okay Princess Elizabeth?" Anastasia spoke worried "I'm perfectly fine, thank you " the Princess spoke with a cold tone almost annoyed at Anastasia "just take me back to the castle "she ordered. Anastasia just nodded and did as she said . They didn't speak as they walked through the town headed back to the castle. 

 Anastasia grew tired of the silence "I'm sorry if I offended you m'lady I was just trying to help ". The princess stopped in her tracks "Who said you could call me that?!"the Princess snapped back at Anastasia  "You just want my father to reward you!" .Anastasia was shocked by this  "No of course not m'lady ,I just didn't want you to get hurt  by that man". The princess looked down as her face shifted through emotions "what do you want me to call you Princess?" The Princess chuckled as she looked up "call me Lizzie! You don't have to  be so proper ,you saved my life" Anastasia was taken aback by her sudden change of personality "I wouldn't say I saved your life m'lady, just helped.I'm Anastasia by the way" Anastasia smiled as she bowed to the princess.The princess grabbed her hand and dragged her up to the castle smiling. 

 As they arrived at the gates of the castle princess Elizabeth stopped and stood in front of Anastasia"thank you for saving me Anastasia,in return you may come work at The Palace for me ,you will be taught like a lady and grow up to be my maid ".Anastasia looked at the princess confused "I think your mistaken Lizzie ,I do not want anything from you I'm very happy with my life "Anastasia smiled at the princess hoping she would understand.  

"No! "she shouted "I like you,you're kind ,I want you to stay!" The princesses face screwed up she looked like she was gonna scream Anastasia felt bad for her  "we can still be friends m'lady, you can visit me in the village" the princess screamed "No ,that's not good enough, you will do as I say my father will make sure of it! "the princess grabbed Anastasia by the wrist and began to pull her into the castle "what? No!" Anastasia pulled herself free confused of the princess sudden change of personality change again"you can't just make me do what you want! "the princess looked insulted by this. she shouted for the guards and they came running to her sides "princess Elizabeth ,where have you been My Lady your father has been worried sick "one of her guards said to her "she will become my maid !"she said while pointing at Anastasia .the guard nodded grabbing Anastasia by the arm "No! Let me go! You can't do this, I want to go home!" Anastasia screamed.The guard rolled his eyes at Anastasia "Miss please ,the king will answer all your questions,and your family will be well taken care of" he said  "I just want to go home..."she said through a teary voice. the guard sighed and dragged her into the castle, away from everyone.....everything she knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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