Chapter 5:

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      "What? Are you crazy! You are crazy! You'll get killed!" Helmen screamed.

      I looked at him with a confused face. At that time I thought I could conquer the world! I could conquer all the known worlds! Well I was wrong.

      "Excuse me? What do you mean? I can get in and het out easily! You're crazy!"

      "Jila! Volda's Place is secured with over a hundred Relaxors guarding it. You may be able to get in, but you'll never get out. You have a better chance of breaking out of jail." Helmen exclaimed.

      "I don't care. I am saving my family and no one will tell me otherwise." I said. I was upset at this point. I was holding back tears. It has been a year and a half since I've seen my family. Niagara falls was about to flow out of my eyes.  Don't let the dam break! Don't let the dam break! I thought again. Don't let the dam break!

      That night Kinzi, Fira, and I vengered in the direction of Volda's Place.  "I'm sc-scared!" Fira said in a low, shakey voice.

      "I kn-know!" replied Kinzi.

      "You babies! Come on now! This way!" I angerly replied to both their silly little statements. I didn't find it funny that they were scared. I was determined to get my family back.  So that is what I was going to do.



      We were there. It was a big, black as night, building with glass around it. There were Relaxors everywhere! They stood there like statutes.  Their black suits shining in the moonlight. I nervously took a step back. "Don't move!" I quietly snapped. "Step back into the trees when I tell you to." I whispered, "Now!"

      We all took a giant step back into the trees. We waited until it was safe to make an invisible spell.  We then stood up. I said, "This way!" We all walked over to the door. We carefully tip-toed around the Relaxors, and into the door. We stopped. It was a giant room filled deadly opsticles. There was blood splattered on the walls, blood on the opsticle parts, and 'Team Volda!' signs everywhere. I walked into my worst nightmare. We walked through, looking at each opsticle.  Each was different. Each more deadlier than the last. "What the?" I said. It looked like something out of a horror movie. We got to a big, black door. We opened it. The next room was empty, except for a large wooden cover on the floor.

      "Kinzi! Help me open it!" I said. We lifted it up and saw a pit of lava and far spaced stepping stones. Every so often we would hear screams from the pit.

      "Why would she do this?" Kinzi asked.

      "Because its her vengeance. Her family died in a fire at their cabin. She finds it enjoyable to watch other's families die too. She's sick!" I exclaimed. I was sickened. She disgusted me. We quickly covered the lava pit back up. Then it was off to the final room. We opened the door and there they were.

      Volda tourching my family and Galen! "STOP!" I shouted. I quickly crabbed Mom's staff and started throughing killing curses at her. "AVADA KADAVERA LUMOS!" I screamed. A lime green light came shooting out of the end of the staff. She ducked it.

      "SONLAS GUAPO TINORIA!" she shouted at me. It was a killing spell done by witches. I ducked that too.

      We battled a while longer. Then when I was about to kill her once and for all she blurted out, "Kill me and your family dies!"

      "NO!" I screamed. I wasn't going to risk it but, I wanted to kill her so bad. It just, just came out of me.

      "Avada kadavera lumos!"       


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