Part 1

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What I'm about to tell you is how our world turned into a gadget. In 2019,people see a large object orbiting their planet since 2015.

It stopped and seemed to send a message to the government.A message from the president got their heads on one thing.

A woman on a battle uniform walked faster to the conference room. She panted with a loud sound and doesn't seem to care. Her sweat was drooping and yet she hasn't wiped them out. Papers were scattered around her arms and it obviously was not organized.

She opened the door to the conference and raised her hand to get the general's attention. "General Craig! General Craig!"she shouted. She wasn't filled with embarrassment anymore since she knew the problem was only getting bigger.
"General Shawn Craig 5 stars, on line, president.

"I want missiles on that thing right  now!!! ". General Craig pressed on the button and demanded "Negative,target stopped.  If we shoot, paranormal activities might be summoned". The president shouted  on the hotline"Then we better find out what the hell the that thing's up to.... For 5 years!!!". The general lowered the telephone, sat down and prayed, his face was serious. He suddenly noticed a woman raising her hand. "What is that, Secretary Jameson? ". The woman went to the general, walking very fast. "Professor Frank has some urgent news, he can't send the details on the  hotline , he believes this creatures has been spying us through our worldwide connection".

General Craig crossed his arms on the table and turned at the device that Secretary Jameson has been holding. "Ok then, these ears are for you ". She checked the surroundings and pointed on the water bottle that the member drank. "I want every water bottle and cups with waters on the ground". All members were holding eyes on her. "Why the hell would we do that ? ". They all looked at the general for answers but all he could do was wave the response "yes". They did what she told while the secretary also handed the hotline down to the ground.

She held a voice recorder on her hand and turned it on"General Craig 5 stars, I send  this news to you. We've been studying these creatures for years and we finally found it. Thousands of B.C ago, pyramids have these sharp points on top of them, why? And where did they also get the gods when they're still half at human's intelligence? Turns out these aliens have been helping us to achieve greater. They have been sharing their knowledge  for years, teaching us better and easier ways to improve our lifestyle. The sharp points on the pyramids are to communicate with the terrestials. But what made them help us? Turns out we still need 6 months to learn about this". The record stopped and silence broke through the room. Suddenly the room moved when one of the members stood up. "General Craig, I fear these abnormal bastards wants something from us".

Before the general could speak, the room suddenly started to shake. The members including the general, went down the table. The lights were turning off and on in the same time. The board on the front of the general, suddenly started to turn  into a TV. "Greetings, Beings called Humans, we would require you to listen to us. Our planet has ruptured in a year ago If that's what you call in here and we are in desperate need of shelter . We would like one of your member  to join us in our galactic ship for ahhh.....  what you call ? a "little talk". We expect answer in 3 days if not, we will direct attack in your armies immediately ".

The lights suddenly went back on,while the message vanished. The members couldn't stand any longer of these aliens. They stood up and started to shout on what they were doing. Some were annoyed and disappointed.  They started to curse at each other while the general closed his eyes and prayed again. A knock interrupted their terrible conversation while the mob stopped. The general anwered "open". It was the president's daughter, Martha. She was 27 years old and wanted to become a general like Craig. "I , Martha  Mare Carter, would like to volunteer on going to their ship". The general stood up with a worried face and walked to her. He held her shoulder and told

"Are you insane!? "
"Its the only way"
"There are hundreds of men in the army and you think,you can just walk into those bastard's ship, without the president, your father's permission!? "
"Why can't I!? I am already legal to serve and protect the world"
"Why you!? What about another men!? "
"I can handle myself!!! I am already a soldier myself!!! "
"Martha! "
Another member slammed the table and gave them a serious look. "Enough of this!Ms. Carter , I insist you sit down! And General , you too, calm down. I know this is serious but the one that we should let them have is someone, who we can trust". Everyone suddenly started to gossip about it. "We vote on another men or Ms. Carter herself, what do you think?". Everyone looked at him while another member answers "seems fair". 

"Ok, now who votes for another men? "He questioned. 6 of the members raised their hands with General voting for it. "And now, who votes for Ms. Carter?" Everyone turned to silence and looked at her. "I know, I am the president's daughter but please let me show all of you that I can also fight like dad and how I can defeat them, please.... just for my birthday today? ". Everyone looked at themselves and gossiped. One raised his hand and another then another. 11 of them raised their hand. The general took the hotline from the ground and called the president. "Mr. President?".

"Yes, general? "
"Oh, uhh... We voted  on who's going to go at the ship. Your daughter volunteered to go in,while we want another men. Who do you choose Mr. President? "
The president went silent for 5 seconds and sighed.
"Of course...... I choose my daughter "

And that happened......  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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