Are you with me?

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*Flashback to their date on a jetplane*

"Pourquoi tu me regardes comme ça?" Lena asks in perfect french accent.

"Oui. J'aime baguette," Kara answers.

"You dork," Lena giggles. "I said, why are you looking at me like that?" Lena mimicking Kara's look; one hand supporting her chin with mouth ajar.

"I'm captivated by your beauty." Lena blushes at this comment. "It should be illegal for someone to be as gorgeous as you," Kara adds. "By the way, you sound even sexier when you speak français. Teach me, s'il te plaît."

"Bien sûr. Only for you."


"Lee, you know I want you and I know you want me," Kara says out of the blue. "It's not a secret we try to hide. So, why don't make it official?"

"Kara, I love you. I do. But it's not easy. You don't think I wanna shout it from the rooftops that I have the perfect partner in the world?" Lena sighs. "What will people say when they find out? The media? Or my business partners? Can you imagine how my mother will take it? If she knows that I'm a lesbian, it would put our relationship more estranged."

"You don't have to care what people think about. It's about you. Your feelings. Are you happy with me?"

"I'm the happiest person on earth when you're by my side," Lena admits.

"Well that's your answer. Just ignore what people say. Nothing can keep us apart," Kara puts her pinky finger up. "Are you with me?"

Out of nowhere, a lightning strikes which causes a turbulence.

"Buckle up. Get ready for an emergency landing. We can talk about us after we catch Lex."

*Twenty-one months after the Pulitzer ceremony*

Alex barges into her little sister's room, "She's back."

Kara raises her eyebrows, "Who?"
"See it for yourself. Turn on the TV," Alex commands.

The screen ahows the former CEO being surroundee by dozens of paparazzi in front of the Luthor's mansion.

"Miss Luthor, what brings you back to National City?
Are you going to leave your modeling career behind?
Is it true you're dating Colin Morgan?
Does your mother health condition be the reason you're back?
There are pictures of you and Jessica de Gouw lip-locking, is she your girlfriend?"

Lena maintains her professional's attitude and calmly walks pass through the crowd.

"She's back," Kara turns off the TV.
Alex sits on her sister's bed and lets out a deep breath, "Are you okay?"

Kara shrugs her shoulder. "I know it's been some time. But she never leaves my mind. You see, I haven't been the same since that day. I went to her penthouse, brought flowers and chocolates. To apologize and explain myself. But all I found was an empty place. The next day, I visited her at L-Corp. She said she needed space and time. I give her that. Apart of me longs to see her but I respect her wish," Kara says in between sobs. "How many days, weeks or months do I have to wait? Because the only thing I learn is that I need her to keep me sane."

Kara buries her head in the space of Alex's neck. "I broke her trust and her heart. Oh rao. I'm a terrible person." Alex strokes Kara's hair and whispering soothing words.

🎵Where do broken hearts go
Can they find their way home
Back to the open arms
Of a love that's waiting there🎵

"Are you going to answer the phone or what?" Alex asks.

Kara picks it up and greets the caller "I'm good. Thanks. How bout you? Yeah. I watch the news. What? No. Are you crazy?! I can't. No. I'm sorry, James. Bye."

"What was it?"

"James wants me to get an exclusive on Lena. I refuse." Kara hangs her head low.

AN: Should I do part 3?

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