Where's Paulina?

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The Thea Sisters meet

Nicky: Hey mouselets! Where's Paulina?

Colette: I don't know.

Violet: worries Ohhh... What can we do?

Pamela: Don't worry mouselets. I'll phone her up.

Pamela calls her

Pamela: Hey Paulina! Where are you? What happened?

Paulina: (weakly) I... I twisted my ankle... OUCH!

Pamela: Why didn't you call me to let me know?

Paulina: I was too weak to squeak.

Pamela: Okay, we'll be right there!

Call ends

Pamela: Sisters, we need to help Paulina.

Violet: (turning pale) What happened?

Nicky: She got lost, what? WHAT???

Colette: Did she hurt her leg?

Pamela: No time to explain, mouselets. Let's make like a cheese wheel and roll!

Violet, Nicky, Pamela, Colette: running toward her PAULINA!!!

Paulina: Hey, Sisters!

At the same time

[Violet: What happened?
[Nicky: Are you okay?
[Colette: Did anyone do something to you?

Paulina: No, no. I just twisted my ankle and I couldn't continue walking.

Violet: Why didn't you tell Pam?

Paulina: I tried to call her... But no sound was heard.

Pamela: lowers her head I'm so sorry, Paulina. Hmpf... I'm such a klutz.

Paulina: It's okay. The important thing is that you noticed and came here immediately.

Pamela: I think we should go to the doctor now.

Paulina: No worries! I'll recover slowly myself.

Pamela: Sure?

Paulina: Sure!

Colette: Well, then I guess we'll have to stay inside for the next few weeks...

Nicky: I guess so...

A flash of sadness crosses Nicky's face

Paulina: No, Nicky! You can go outside. You're excused!

Nicky smiles more than ever before

Nicky: Thanks, you're the best!

Pamela, Colette and Violet smile at Nicky

Nicky: gets serious Are you sure though?

Paulina: I'm not sure... I'm surer than sure!

Nicky: Thanks, Sister!

Paulina: One question though.

Colette: What is it?

Paulina: Can you help me up, please?

Colette: Right! I almost forgot! I would love to help you.. Though I'm not strong enough. Can someone help me?

Pamela: I can help!

They help her up slowly

Paulina: Thanks!

Colette, Pamela: No problem, Sister!

Paulina: We'd better start heading toward our room.

Nicky: That's where we're going!

Paulina: Oh!

Nicky: Mouselets, I need to go for a run. I haven't gone running in ages now!

Violet, Colette, Pamela, Paulina: Okay, Nic!

Nicky: Bye!

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