Lunch is Served

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Colette arrives

Colette: I'm here!

Pamela: Hey Colette! GIVE ME THE PIZZA!

Colette: Hey Pam! What's the rush?

Pamela: Oh, Colette! Don't you know?

Colette: Oh, right. Hehe!

Paulina: Colette, are you okay, though?

Colette: Yes, yes.

In the meantime Pam is cooking the pizza

Violet: Pam!

Pamela: Yes?

Violet: How long is the pizza taking?

Pamela: I just put it in!

Violet: Oh okay!

Nicky enters the room

Nicky: I'm back!

Colette: What took you so long? I started worrying about you!

Nicky: I decided to go for a longer run than I had planned...

Pamela: Why didn't you send us a text message?

Nicky: I'm so sorry... I forgot...

Paulina: Mmm... What's that delicious smell?

Pamela: Oh my! The pizza!

Pamela runs to the kitchen

Violet: Oh! It sure smells good!

Pamela: Sisters, lunch is served!

Colette: Yay!

Nicky: I'm famished!

Paulina: between bites With all this drama happening, I barely remember I had breakfast!

Pamela: Me too!

Paulina: out of the blue OUCH!

Violet: What happened?

Paulina: Someone hit my leg!

Nicky: I think it was me that hit you because after EVERY SINGLE run, my legs get spasms.

Paulina: Oh!

Nicky: I'm really and truly sorry...

Paulina: It's TOTALLY okay! There's no need to apologise! It was only a mistake!

Colette: I don't know about you, Sisters, but I'm full!

Pamela: Me too!

Violet: Yeah! Me too!

Paulina: Can we go outside for some fresh air, please?

Colette: Yeah, that's a good idea, right, Sisters?

Nicky, Pamela, Violet: Yep!

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