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I looked out the plane window, Austrailian land right below me. My new home. I couldnt believe it... just a day ago i had been with my best friend, at our usaul hang out, Duncun Donuts, drinking coffee, laughing, and promising that we'll try to visit each other, even though we know that it wont happen...

The only reason im sitting on this plane, away from all of my friends in london is because of my parents. Well, my father, but i guess i'll just have to deal... As my parents have told me before,  the perfect child doesnt whine... what? You ask, there is no such thing as a perfect child! You say, well according to my parents there is. And her name is Sarah, my older, richer, prettier, smarter, well, you get the idea. Sarahs, well perfect to my parents. She just got out of college, and has her nursing degree, my parents absoulutly adore her. Perfect Sarah wirh her perfect grade point average and her perfect boyfriend. Wait-wait, we've gotten off track... My father, is this big company owner of this product in the states, some childrens toy thats bringing in the big bucks. So we've moved to Australia, into this big fancy home, and its not like our home in London was any different either even over there it was over the top and extravagent, to the point where it madr me want to tear my hair out. My parents expect me to be on time, proper, and just a good girl in general. So naturally, i agree to their commands. Yes i know, how.. . Nice... and of course you say that with a pitying smirk on your face because you just do.

The plane lands and i follow my parents out of the plane, my small carry on strapped across my chest. Im currently wearing a knee·lengthed black skirt with a long-sleaved collared shirt that itches horribly...

"We're here!" My mother annouces happily.

I smile at her, showing fake enthisiam because i dont want a lecture in the middle of an airport. My father throes his arm across her waist.

"Yes. Yes we are."

He then gives her a big sloppy kiss which makes me mentally groan.

Save the PDA for the bedroom... i thibk to myself.

* first chapter! Tell me what you think!  Yes i know these are short but keep in mind i write these on a phone. So be ready for small grammaticle errors and shitty lengthed chapters ;) *

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