10-New York 2012

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Bruce, Tony, Scott, Steve and I all land in a New York City alleyway, we look around seeing we landed exactly where we wanted in the middle of the battle of New York 2012. We all change out of the suits, leaving them by the abandoned car that was nearby.

"Allright, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone, down. Stay low, keep an eye on the clock" Steve instructs all of us. That's when we see Hulk go passing by smashing everything in his path. We look over at Bruce who just puts his hand on his face, clearly embarrassed by his past actions.
"Feel free to smash things along the way" Steve says to him.

"I think that's gratious but whatever" Bruce says as he lightly hits a parked car. He then tears his shirt off, and walks past all of us, smashing another car, while making a semi Hulk like roar. He then picks up a motorbike and throwing at a wall and wincing when it hits. He then takes off crawling up the nearby wall, off to get the time stone.

Scott, Steve, Tony and I then make our way toward STARK Tower, knowing we are about to get Loki, and when the past versions of the ourselves transfer him down with Thor, that will be the chance to get the sceptre and the tesseract. Tony flies ahead , taking mini Scott, scoping out to see where we all were, "Got to hustle Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here" we hear Tony say as we approach the elevator inside the tower. Steve and I make our way onto the elevator, "Uh, Mr. Rogers, I almost forgot that , that suit did nothing for your ass" Tony then says through our com and I give a light chuckle.
"I'm the only one who can look Tony" I say back to him.

"I think you  look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned , that's America's Ass" we then hear Scott say and I can't help but laugh. We step off the elevator on  the 60th floor, and I go over toward a pillar to keep myself hidden behind. 
"You okay?" Steve asks as he stands by me.
"Uh, yeah I'll be okay" I say taking a deep breath.
"You sure, you're not feeling sick right now are you?"  he asks concerned.
"No, just worried about all this" I say pointing my hand around the building indicating everything going on.
"If you need to go back, I understand" he says.

"No, no I want to be here. I need to make sure this works Steve, it's just I'm scared someone won't come back. And with having a baby, I have even more worries" before I can continue I feel his lips crash onto mine. I feel myself calm down more, when we hear Tony's voice through the comms.

"All right Cap, Emerald. I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor" he tells us and we break apart.
"On it. Head to the lobby" Steve tells him.
"Alright see you there" Tony replies back.
"You okay to stay here?" Steve then asks me.
"Yeah, go pretend to be past you" I smile at him and he walks away. I watch him go to the elevator pressing a button.  He stands there and watches as the elevator doors open, and the agents and Sitwell stare at Steve.

"Captain, I thought you were coordinating search and rescue?" I hear Sitwell ask him.
"Change of plans" I hear Steve tell him.
"Hey, Cap" I then hear Rumlow say and part of me wants to go and punch that man in the face.
"Rumlow" Steve nods at him, "I just got a call from the Secretary. I'm gonna be running point on  the scepter" Steve lies to them.

"Sir? I don't understand" I hear Sitwell ask.
"We got word there may be an attempt to steal it" I hear Steve tell them.
"Sorry, Cap. I can't give you the scepter" Rumlow says.
"I'm gonna have to call the Director" Sitwell says to him.

"That's okay. Trust me" I watch as Steve leans closer to Sitwell, whispering two words that he knew would get him the scepter. I watch as they hand him the case with the scepter, and he walks off the elevator smiling. I come out of hiding and  take the case from Steve, "You good" I ask him as we start to walk through the tower, trying to get back to our rendezvous point.
"Yeah" he says as we get to the next floor.
As we walk, we start to get feedback on our comms, "Tony, Tony what's going on?" I ask.

Coming Back To You (5)Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now