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"If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" Her accent was very English.

Finally, one absolutely stunning English woman in this hell of an office.

"My name is Harry Styles." I say.


"What?" Her jaw drops. The expression on her face had to be one of the funniest, yet captivating things I had seen in my life.

"Let's get done with your interview," I walk out when the elevator door opens, and the clicking sound of her heels behind me made me sure that she followed.

"Are you really Harry Styles?" I hear her say when we enter the interview room in the law department.

"Yes. Is that surprising?"

"I thought he'd be much.."she pauses. "Older?"

"I am brilliant for my age, Alexis. Some people think I was a child prodigy." I sit on the chair behind the large desk and Alexis sits opposite me.

"I didn't mean to offend you, Sir." She stutters, fidgeting with her hair.

She was so nervous.

"You have nothing to be nervous about. I'm sure you're going to do great. Moving on, I'll ask you a few questions and you're going to answer them. Answer straight to point..and for our own reasons, I have to record your answers so Whitehall has a fair idea of who we're recruiting." She nods, licking her lower lip and pulling it between her teeth.

I sigh, and quickly scan through the file. So many questions, this was going to be tedious.

"Alright, what's your full name?" I ask when I've turned the recorder on.

"Alexis Holly Smith." She answers almost instantly.

"How old are you? Please give me a brief overview on your education and qualifications."

"I'm twenty five, I studied at a private school in Wolverhampton and I took up corporate law at Harvard. I've graduated with my degree in Corporate law and I've had and three year work experience with a firm in South London, Lawson companies."

She's definitely rehearsed for this.

"Lawson is a local a corporate firm. How do we know you're prepared to work as the NCA? That's a huge step now, isn't it?" I ask.

"Sir," she giggles. "Working at the NCA has always been a dream. The only reason I got a job at Lawson was for a fair bit of work experience. NCA has always been the first on my list and I believe that you'd recruit me if I had experience, and you wouldn't if I came here three years ago with absolutely nothing in my resumé that tells you how great of a lawyer I could be.How great of a lawyer I am."

"Your confidence is very convincing, Alexis. So is everything you've just said. But it's not the only thing we're looking for. Being a lawyer here is difficult and time consuming, we could call you in at three in the morning and we wouldn't take no for an answer. You get paid to work here, and it is only work that counts."

"I think I'm ready for that, sir."

So do I.

"You've mentioned Harvard...were you previously living in London or have you moved here recently?"

"I'm from Wolverhampton. I moved to London after my mother passed away, which was ten years ago. And yes, I moved for education purposes. I won a scholarship, and it was the best thing that's happened to me."

"Your communication skills are very impressive, Alexis." I loved saying her name, it was so pretty. Just like her.

"Thank you, sir." She looks down and blushes before bringing her gaze back to mine.

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