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Sorry guy not very good at the. VOTE.FAN.COMMENTHey I'm Sarah please don't be afraid to Comment about anything and I hope you like it.



Maddy (POV)

As I breathed in the warm California air I can’t help but feel my heart speed in my chest that this will be my new home. After losing everything and everybody I can’t help but hope that California will be good for my family and I. Family, I don’t even know if you can call what I have left family but they are all I have.

“Maddy can you wind up the window my hair is going to be ruined!” my oldest sister Olivier shrieked she is eighteen, one year older than me but has the brains of a sixteen year old. I’ve always been jealous of her with her model like looks, she’s 5’6, brown eyed, tanned and has short blonde hair. I’m the opposite 5’4, big green eyes, tanned and long black hair. “Maddy!” she shrieked again. I rolled up the window while avoiding the glare Olivier was sending me. Oh she is defiantly your typical popular girl but she has a good heart it’s just covered in ice for the time being.

“Can you stop your squealing Liv I am trying to sleep” my younger brother Eric said he’s sixteen but looks about eighteen he’s well built but not too big, he has wavy brown hair and big blue eyes and is standing about 6 ft tall, he is a huge lady’s man.

“Okay guys were here welcome to our new home” I said while pulling my Black mustang in the drive way of our aunt’s beautiful mansion. We’re staying with our Aunt Maggie she’s heaps rich but never had kids of her own and after the accident she took us in straight away.

“Hello, Hello my little pumpkins go in and choose your rooms but not after giving me a hug” Aunt Maggie voice echoed from the backyard, we all grabbed our stuff and went around the back to give Aunt Maggie a hug than we raced off to get the best room. Luckily I am the only one out of the three that have actually been her so I knew which room was the best so I quickly raced to the second floor and opened the first door on the right which contained one massive room which was suppose to be the master bedroom but Aunt Maggie hated big rooms and she bought a mansion (weird huh). The room was just how I remembered it, it has a small living room and then you turn right to double doors that lead to the room. I swung them open and marched inside, there’s a huge king bed right in the middle with a walk in closet to the left and huge en suite to the right. Actually it’s better than I remembered it all most made me forget everything that’s happened, all most.

“That’s not fair; I’m the oldest I should get this room!” Oliver yelled from behind me. I sighed and sat on the bed “Oliver, I don’t care if you’re older I shotty this room and I got here first so let me think about it ..... umm..... no”. With that Oliver turned away and strutted out the room with a scoff strangely not putting up much of a fight. Our parent’s death changed her and I know she blames me, truthfully I blame myself too. I guess death does change a person, it even changed me. As I quickly pushed those thoughts aside I closed my eyes and went to sleep not bothering to change.

Nate (POV)

“But you said you loved me Nate and I-I I’m.... s-sorry” Tiffney stutted out, I know she’s not sorry and in all honestly I am glad she cheated on me but I’m not too thrilled it was with my best friend or should I say ex-best friend. It’s a Sunday night and tomorrow is the first day of school so I really didn’t feel in the mood for a break up but I knew it had to be done.

“Look Tiffney, we had fun but really I’m just too good for you and now that I’ve realised that I don’t want to be with you” I said cooly but inside I was screaming at myself because ever since my brother’s death I’ve changed but I knew it was easier being this emotionless, cocky guy and dating girls like Tiffney here is just a distraction of my grief but even though she was just a distraction it still hurt that she cheated, but I will never let her know that. I lie down on my bed and close my eyes after a couple of minutes Tiffney finally got it that it was her cue to leave. I just hope that something happens this year considering I’m a senior and all at Weighton High, I guess I will just have to wait and see. 

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