Chapter 13

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The doctor was pacing. Had been for the last 5 minuets.
"How am I supposed to stop over 300 weeping angels?" He whined.

"Doctor we'll be fine! I'm sure we can do it." Rose reassured.

The time lord fell silent for a little while before he stopped pacing and grabbed his coat, "Come on Rose Tyler, we're going to find ourselves a consulting detective."


They arrived at 221b Baker Street just 20 minuets later and the doctor rapped loudly on the door. To their surprise, they were allowed straight up and soon enough, found themselves sipping tea and sat on the sofa at the back of 221b's lounge.

"I'm telling you, it's them" the doctor begged.

Sherlock turned his head away tutting before closing his eyes, clearly deciding that the argument was over.
They had come to the small flat to persuade Sherlock that it was in fact the angels, but even Rose could tell it wasn't going well.

Loosing hope, the time lord turned his attention to the thus far silent blogger, "John, please, you have to help me. These angels, they move faster than anything. They'll destroy this whole planet if I don't stop them..."

"But, if these things are real, which I doubt they are, why do you have to stop them?" John questioned.

Rose's eyes widened and she gulped. The touchy subject of the doctor's obsession over protecting planet Earth had arisen, whatever was coming next could either solve everything or get them kicked out.
The doctor sat in silence, staring at his feet on the floor before he spoke in a calm and quiet voice, "What case?" He said, not moving his gaze from the ground.

Both Rose and John frowned their confusion, but the time lord looked up just in time to see Sherlock smile and open his eyes. The detective turned to face the time lord and replied, "yours."

The room fell back into a strange silence until Rose tugged on the doctor's sleeve, "Case? What case? What are you on about?" She hissed at the doctor.

"Remember a few days ago, when we first bumped into Sherlock and John at the house. The last thing I did was give Sherlock my psychic paper, he smiled and said he'd take the case. It's the same case." The doctor whispered.

"What case? Can you tell me what on Earth's going on here?!" Rose said louder, directing her still confused scrunched up nose at the detective, hoping for a better answer than the one she received from her friend.

"The second you bumped into me I knew you were different." Sherlock began, not breaking eye contact with the doctor.

"Course you did." John muttered.

"The doctor. No one has a name like that, not even you. You're covering yourself up before you've even met anyone. You hide behind that name just as you hide behind that paper in your wallet. The credentials you showed me? The ones that were supposed to prove you could be trusted with the top secret information of Scotland Yard. Fake. The paper was blank, until I thought about them. Until, I focused hard on what I wanted to see, then they appeared. And your face. That face is so young, barely 30 but those eyes. Oh those eyes have seen a lot haven't  they. They're old, older than all of us here. I took your case because it is by far, the strangest I've have come across in a long time. It just so happened that you were also interested in the small case I was working on at the side."

Sherlock finished speaking and yet still the room remained silent. The expression on the time lords face was unreadable. After a long pause, he stood up, grabbing Rose's hand and dragging her with him.

"Sherlock, you trust me?" He asked, " Come with us."

Rose found herself being dragged along the freezing path by a certain time lord, with a detective and blogger at her heels. She wouldn't dream of retaliating, but she knew exactly where they were headed, and she didn't like the idea one bit.
Eventually the four rounded the corner into a dark alley way and Rose's fears were heightened.

"But that's- that's an 18th century police box?" John queried.

The doctor didn't say anything, he just continued walking, hands in the pockets of his trench coat, head fixed on his destination. When he reached the ship, he used two hands to push the double doors open and strolled in, he didn't stop walking until he reached the controls.

Sherlock stepped in, albeit hesitantly, afterwards and looked around at the large control room with wide eyes.

"Dimensional engineering." The doctor announced, "us time lords are a whiz at it. Squeezing things into a tiny space, you should see us packing a suitcase. Yes, it's bigger on the inside, smaller on the outside, a different world. But it's just a ship."

Sherlock continued to stare around the room while Rose spoke quietly to John in the far corner, closest to the door.

"If you can fold, whole dimensions back onto themselves, install a maze of tunnels and rooms, and breathe life and consciousness into something all at the same time. How come those statues aren't killing people?"

Sherlock remained, for once in his life, speechless. The doctor flicked his gaze over to Rose who was still stood next to the door, a hand placed comfortingly on Johns shoulder as she tried to explain. It was just then that Rose decided to move John to sit down and between them, the time travellers moved both visitors to sit on the jump-seats.
The doctor admired both of their perplexed looks and smirked over at Rose.

"Long story short, it's bigger on the inside." Rose stated, as if it were 'no biggie'

John exhaled a bit, relaxing more into his chair now that he knew roughly what was going on. Sherlock in the other hand, looked more tense than ever.

"Think of it like this." The doctor began, directing his explanation at Sherlock, "Imagine two cubes of equal size. If you held one in your hand and viewed the other from a distance, the second cube would appear smaller than the first. If you could keep it that distance away, and yet also have it in your hand, this 'smaller' cube would fit inside the 'larger' one. This analogy might help you understand that the interior of the TARDIS is literally inside the exterior. When entering, you were not spirited to another realm. You were not squeezed or squashed relative to normal space. The inside of the TARDIS simply contains additional dimensions that make it possible to accommodate bigger spaces inside smaller ones."

Sherlocks face relaxed a bit and John sat up straight, "You got it from that?!"

"I thought it was simple enough." Sherlock replied.

"Anyway." The doctor said, clearing the air, "My point is, is that I'm alien, this ship's alien and those things killing the people are also- aliens. Extraterrestrial life does exist, you just have to be able to see past your nose in order to find it."

The consulting detective looked up at the doctor for a while, seemingly deep in thought until he suddenly blinked and sat back.

"We're in."

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