Can see only with smile

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Ambulance & Police reached the spot and all the passenger get into the bus as they expected the bus to leave any moment.

Roli who was sitting restless did not look outside all these time as her mind was occupied only by Siddhant & not interested to look at anything...

They were trying to open the car door to take him out while the bus driver & conductor explained what has happend to police and get into the bus to continue their journey..

The bus was about to start with a small jerk and moved slowly while ROli was just noticing the car which belongs to Siddhant.  Her heart skiped the beat and she went speechless in the shock.

Roli shouted 'Stop the bus.  Please stop it'  She hit the body of the bus so that the driver will stop hearing the sound.  The driver understood something and stopped the bus.

Roli rushed towards the door and literally jumped out of the bus.  Bus continued its journey leaving Roli in the road.

Roli ran towards the car with tear filled eyes.  The police were surprised on seeing the girl rushing towards the spot from the bus.

Roli exclaimed 'Siddhant.. Siddhant...'

Police enquired 'Is this person known to you?'

Roli answered 'Yes.  He is my husband.'  She started crying loudly.  She slowly bend down on her knees in the road.

Police were trying hard to open the door while suddenly Roli remembered the second key of the car was with her in the bag which was put in that long time back.  

Roli immediately searched inside her bag and took out the key.  She gave it to the police.

They opened the door and took out the unconsicous Siddhant and took him inside the ambulance.  Roli sat in the ambulance holding his hands and crying badly.

Roli was thinking 'Siddhant this much big punishment for me as I went leaving you alone.  I promise you that I will never go anywhere leaving you.  Please recover soon.  Please talk to me, hug me, kiss me, even fighting is ok, but i cant live without you.  I cant bear you to see speechless and unconscious like this.  Please get up.  Get up.  I realised today that one should not leave their love & go anywhere for any reasons.  Please Please look at me.  Give your cute smile at me'

They reached the hospital and he was taken to Emergency care unit.  Roli was waiting outside the room with pale face in complete shock.  She was speechless and sat in the chair holding the armholder for support.  Her heart beat was increased and her body was shivering.  Tears were rolling down from her eyes.  She got no idea how long it was... But she not even move from that place and even forgot to blink her eyes.  

Doctor came out of the room and went to talk with Roli.

Doctor said 'Madam, you should feel very lucky that your husband got no internal or external injury.  He only faint due to complete exhaution of energy.  It seems he did not had food or anything since long.  That only made him faint.  We have put drips and he will wake up in few minutes'

Roli got no words to reply also and only thanked by nodding her head and expressing holding her hands together.

Siddhant was shifted to room and drips was given.  Roli was sitting beside the bed in the stool holding his hands and looking at his face with tears expecting him to open his eyes.

Siddhant... He was wondering one day why Roli always get up after him.  He also asked Roli.

Siddhant asked 'Roli, normally ladies get up first before husband wake up whereas in our house it is in reverse, you sleep before & wake up after me.  Why it is like that?'

Roli replied 'Because I can see my Siddhant only with a smile and not sleeping. Thats why'

Yes Roli never seen him like this without a smile, eyes closed, speechless.  She kept her face on his shoulders and closed her eyes.  The tears continue to roll from her eyes and started wetting him.  After a while...

She felt soothing hands caressing her hair and she opened her eyes.  It was none other than her love Siddhant's.

Roli lift her face and looked at him.  She hold his hands and kissed.  She cup his face and moved towards him to kiss on his forehead & cheeks...

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